英语:专家揭示“完美隐蔽之处” MH370之谜终于“解开”

Source: MH370 mystery finally ‘solved’ as expert reveals the ‘perfect hiding place’ | Daily Mail Online

A scientist claims he has finally ‘solved’ the mystery of what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 – and says he has pinpointed the ‘perfect hiding spot’ where it crashed.

University of Tasmania researcher Vincent Lynne has claimed signals received from the missing Boeing 777 helps establish its flight pattern in the moments before it vanished.

He argues, in a paper set to be published in the Journal of Navigation that the signals, paired with a review of the debris damage by air-crash investigator Larry Vance ‘support the hypothesis of a controlled eastward descent’ – suggesting the pilot made a premeditated decision to crash the plane with 239 people on board.

Others have previously also suggested that pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, was responsible for deliberately crashing MH370 in a murder-suicide of a shocking scale, which he committed because of problems in his personal life.

Shah had allegedly split with his wife Fizah Khan, and was said to be furious that a relative, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, had been given a five-year jail sentence for sodomy shortly before he boarded the plane for the flight to Beijing.

The pilot’s wife, however,  has angrily denied any personal problems, while other family members and friends said he was a devoted family man and loved his job.

Yet, Lynne says the evidence points to the fact that the pilot did intentionally crash the plane saying it ‘justifies beyond doubt the original claim, based on brilliant, skilled and very careful debris-damage analyses by decorated ex-Chief Canadian Air-crash investigator Larry Vance that MH-370 had fuel and running engines when it underwent a masterful “controlled ditching,” and not a high-speed fuel-starved crash.’

一名科学家声称他终于“解开了”马来西亚航空 MH370 航班的谜团,并表示他已经确定了飞机坠毁的“完美藏身地点”。 塔斯马尼亚大学研究员文森特·林恩 声称,从失踪的波音 777 飞机收到的信号有助于确定其失踪前的飞行模式。 他在即将发表在《航海杂志》上的一篇论文中指出,这些信号与空难调查员拉里·万斯对碎片损坏的审查相结合,“支持受控向东下降的假设”——这表明飞行员做了有预谋的决定让这架载有239人的飞机坠毁。其他人此前也暗示,53 岁的飞行员扎哈里·艾哈迈德·沙阿机长因个人生活问题而故意导致 MH370 坠毁,这起规模令人震惊的谋杀-自杀事件令人震惊。 据称,沙阿已与妻子菲扎·汗分手,在登上飞往北京的飞机前不久,沙阿的亲戚、反对党领袖安瓦尔·易卜拉欣因鸡奸罪被判处五年监禁,他对此他感到非常愤怒。  然而,飞行员的妻子愤怒地否认有任何个人问题,而​​其他家庭成员和朋友则表示,他是一个忠诚的家庭男人,热爱他的工作。 然而,林恩表示,证据表明飞行员确实故意撞毁了飞机,并称这“毫无疑问地证明了最初的说法是正确的,这是基于加拿大前首席空难调查员拉里·万斯出色、熟练和非常仔细的碎片损坏分析”。 分析显示,MH-370 在经历一次巧妙的“受控迫降”时,有燃料且发动机正在运转,而不是高速燃料匮乏的坠毁。

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