
Source: UN denounces Taliban morality law as ‘distressing vision’ for Afghanistan

The United Nations expressed concern Sunday over the enactment of a morality law by Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban that imposes severe restrictions on personal freedom, silences women in public, and requires them to cover their faces.

“It is a distressing vision for Afghanistan’s future, where moral inspectors have discretionary powers to threaten and detain anyone based on broad and sometimes vague lists of infractions,” said Roza Otunbayeva, the head of the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.

The Islamist Taliban announced the ratification of their Law on Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice Wednesday, forbidding women from singing, reciting poetry, or speaking aloud in public and requiring them to keep their faces and bodies covered at all times.

“It extends the already intolerable restrictions on the rights of Afghan women and girls, with even the sound of a female voice outside the home apparently deemed a moral violation,” Otunbayeva said in the statement released by her office in Kabul.

The promulgation of the 35-article law occurred after the Taliban had prohibited Afghan girls from continuing education beyond the sixth grade and imposed extensive limitations on women’s ability to work in most occupations and participate in public activities.

It empowers the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice to enforce these rules across impoverished Afghanistan, ranked as one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, reeling from years of war and natural disasters.

联合国周日对阿富汗执政的塔利班颁布道德法表示担忧,该法对个人自由施加严格限制,在公共场合让妇女禁声,并要求她们遮住脸部。 联合国阿富汗援助团团长罗扎·奥通巴耶娃表示:“对于阿富汗的未来来说,这是一个令人痛苦的愿景,道德监察员拥有酌处权,可以根据广泛且有时含糊的违规行为清单来威胁和拘留任何人。” 伊斯兰塔利班周三宣布批准《促进美德和预防恶习法》,禁止妇女在公共场合唱歌、朗诵诗歌或大声讲话,并要求她们始终遮住脸部和身体。 奥通巴耶娃在喀布尔办公室发布的声明中表示:“它扩大了对阿富汗妇女和女童权利本已无法容忍的限制,甚至连屋外的女性声音都被视为违反道德。” 这项包含 35 条的法律是在塔利班禁止阿富汗女孩继续接受六年级以上的教育,并对妇女从事大多数职业和参与公共活动的能力进行广泛限制之后颁布的。 它授权美德弘扬和预防罪恶部在贫困的阿富汗执行这些规则,阿富汗被列为世界上最严重的人道主义危机之一,饱受多年战争和自然灾害的影响。

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