
Source: Harris’ ‘worst moments’ as VP came during live interviews, may be why she’s avoiding press: CNN analyst | Fox News

CNN political analyst and Axios national political reporter Alex Thompson said Monday that while Vice President Harris was “definitely” going to sit for an interview, she was being cautious because a lot of her “worst moments” in the Biden administration came during live interviews.

“The question is, who is it with? Is it with a much more friendly host? Is it with a more serious, like a serious in-depth interview, how long is it, is it edited, is it live? Like all of these questions are part of Harris’ caution, extraordinary caution when it comes to interviews is why some Democrats were nervous about making her the nominee. It’s why people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were more in favor of an open process because the fact is that almost all of her worst moments as vice president have come in live interviews,” Thompson said.

Harris has gone 36 days without doing an interview with the media or a formal press conference since she emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee at the end of July.

CNN 政治分析师、Axios 国家政治记者亚历克斯·汤普森周一表示,虽然副总统哈里斯“肯定”会接受采访,但她很谨慎,因为她在拜登政府中的很多“最糟糕的时刻”都发生在现场采访中。  汤普森说,“问题是,和谁一起?是和一个更友好的主持人一起吗?是更严肃的,比如严肃的深度采访,持续多长时间,是经过编辑的,还是现场直播的?就像所有这些问题是哈里斯谨慎的一部分。在接受采访时格外谨慎,这就是为什么一些民主党人对让她成为提名人感到紧张。这就是为什么像南希·佩洛西和查克·舒默这样的人更赞成公开程序,因为事实是她作为副总统的几乎所有最糟糕的时刻都出现在现场采访中。”自从 7 月底成为民主党推定候选人以来,哈里斯已经 36 天没有接受媒体采访或举行正式的新闻发布会。

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