英语:总参谋部确认 F-16 飞机损失

Source: General Staff confirms loss of F-16 aircraft

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has confirmed the loss of an F-16 aircraft.

According to Ukrinform, the General Staff reported this in a message on Telegram.

“During the repulsion of a missile strike by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, F-16 fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were used together with anti-aircraft missile units,” the statement said.

The General Staff noted that during the air battle, F-16 aircraft demonstrated their high efficiency, with four enemy cruise missiles being shot down by onboard weapons.

“During the approach to the next target, communication with one of the aircraft was lost. As it turned out later, the plane crashed, and the pilot was killed,” the General Staff emphasized.

A special commission of the Ministry of Defense has been appointed to investigate the causes of the crash, which is working in the area where the plane crashed.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Ukrainian Air Force pilot Oleksiy Mes was killed on August 26 while repelling a massive Russian missile attack.

《乌克兰新闻报》援引总参谋部在电报群上的一条消息报道,乌克兰武装部队总参谋部证实损失了一架F-16飞机。声明称:“在击退俄罗斯联邦对乌克兰境内的导弹袭击期间,乌克兰武装部队的F-16战斗机与防空导弹部队一起投入使用。” 总参谋部指出,空战中,F-16战机展现了高效率,机载武器击落敌方4枚巡航导弹。 “在接近下一个目标的过程中,与其中一架战机的通讯中断。后来的结果是,飞机坠毁,飞行员丧生。”总参谋部强调。 国防部已任命一个特别委员会调查坠机原因,该委员会正在飞机坠毁地区开展工作。 据《乌克兰新闻报》早些时候报道,乌克兰空军飞行员奥莱克西·梅斯于 8 月 26 日在回击俄罗斯大规模导弹袭击时身亡。
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