
Source: Kamala finally submits to an ‘interview’… and it should be the end of her campaign – American Thinker

Kamala Harris shopped for months for a “moderator” that would make her look and sound competent and capable in an interview, and eventually she found what she was looking for. However, even though CNN’s Dana Bash did her best imitation of a real journalist conducting a hard-hitting interview, Kamala Harris failed.

Unsurprisingly, Bash got no coherent answers from Harris who has had weeks to prepare for this event, so Bash retreated to fluff questions: about the phone call from Biden telling her he was ending his campaign!

Then there was the clip about Tim Walz’s son crying at the DNC. Then there was the equally boring clip about the allegedly viral, “iconic” photo of Harris’ grandniece watching Kamala’s speech.

In short, the interview was a colossal waste of time.

Harris is absolutely incapable of answering simple questions. The CNN sit-down was supposed to be our introduction to her specific agenda, a clarification of her policies – on energy, immigration, the economy, transgenderism, etc. Kamala’s amorphous views on each of these issues has long been clear since her 2019 failed campaign for the presidency. The woman has no idea what she thinks, supports or opposes beyond what she thinks people want to hear.  She has no core values and does not even know that she has no core values.  She well and truly is an empty pantsuit, a woman without any knowledge of the issues she pretends to grasp, a woman who mistakenly thinks she is so smart, she can bamboozle the American people into voting for a cipher.

卡玛拉·哈里斯花了几个月的时间寻找一位“主持人”,让她在采访中看起来、听起来很有能力,最终她找到了自己想要的东西。然而,尽管美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 的达纳·巴什尽最大努力模仿真正的记者进行犀利采访,但卡马拉·哈里斯却失败了。  不出所料,巴什没有从哈里斯那里得到连贯的答案,哈里斯已经为这次活动做了几周的准备,所以巴什退回到一些无聊的问题:关于拜登打电话告诉她他要结束竞选活动的事情!  然后是蒂姆·沃尔兹的儿子在民主党全国委员会哭泣的片段。然后还有一个同样无聊的视频,据称是哈里斯的侄孙女观看卡玛拉演讲的“标志性”照片,据称在网上疯传。  简而言之,这次采访是对时间的巨大浪费。  哈里斯绝对无法回答简单的问题。CNN 的坐下来应该是向我们介绍她的具体议程,澄清她在能源、移民、经济、跨性别主义等方面的政策。  自 2019 年竞选总统失败以来,卡马拉对这些问题的模糊看法早已一目了然。除了她认为人们想听到的内容之外,这位女士不知道自己想什么、支持什么或反对什么。  她没有核心价值观,甚至不知道自己没有核心价值观。  她确实是一套空荡荡的裤装,一个对她假装了解的问题一无所知的女人,一个错误地认为自己很聪明的女人,她可以欺骗美国人民投票支持一个白痴。
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