
Source: Protests erupt at California state capitol after reparations bills shelved | Fox News

A pair of reparations-related bills for the descendants of enslaved Black Americans failed to pass in the California legislature on Saturday after backers said the bills would not move forward.

Authored by Democrat state Sen. Steven Bradford of Inglewood, Senate Bill 1331 would have created a new state fund for reparations, while Senate Bill 1403 would have established a state agency to oversee these efforts and determine who would be eligible.

These measures were considered key components of some lawmakers’ ambitious efforts to pass legislation aimed at atoning for what they said was a legacy of racist policies that drove disparities for Black people, from housing to education to health.

While the Democrat-led California legislature did a pass a spate of other bills aimed at remedying past racial injustices, none of these would provide direct payments to African-Americans.

Bradford said the bills didn’t move forward out of fear that Gov. Gavin Newsom would veto them.

A group of protesters supportive of reparations showed up at the Capitol Saturday for demonstrations.

The Coalition for a Just & Equitable California accused CLBC of refusing to bring the bills up for a vote despite having the votes to pass the bills.

周六,两项与被奴役美国黑人后裔赔偿相关的法案未能在加州立法机构获得通过,因为支持者表示这些法案不会得到推进。  由英格尔伍德的民主党州参议员史蒂文·布拉德福德起草的参议院第 1331 号法案将设立一个新的州赔偿基金,而参议院第 1403 号法案将设立一个州机构来监督这些努力并确定谁有资格。  这些措施被认为是一些立法者雄心勃勃努力的关键组成部分,这些立法旨在弥补他们所说的种族主义政策遗留问题,这些政策导致了黑人在住房、教育和健康方面的不平等。 尽管民主党领导的加州立法机构通过了一系列旨在纠正过去种族不公正现象的其他法案,但这些法案都不会向非裔美国人提供直接付款。  布拉德福德表示,由于担心州长加文·纽瑟姆会否决这些法案,这些法案没有得到推进。 周六,一群支持赔偿的抗议者出现在国会大厦举行示威活动。  加州公正与公平联盟指责加州立法黑人核心小组尽管拥有通过法案的票数,却拒绝将法案提交投票。

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