
Source: Nvidia (NVDA) Subpoenaed by Justice Department in Antitrust Investigation – Bloomberg

The US Justice Department sent subpoenas to Nvidia Corp. and other companies as it seeks evidence that the chipmaker violated antitrust laws, an escalation of its investigation into the dominant provider of AI processors.

The DOJ, which had previously delivered questionnaires to companies, is now sending legally binding requests that oblige recipients to provide information, according to people familiar with the investigation. That takes the government a step closer to launching a formal complaint.

Antitrust officials are concerned that Nvidia is making it harder to switch to other suppliers and penalizes buyers that don’t exclusively use its artificial intelligence chips, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are private.

Nvidia shares, which suffered a record-setting $279 billion rout on Tuesday, fell further in late trading after Bloomberg reported on the subpoenas. Still, the stock has more than doubled this year — fueled by explosive sales growth at the Santa Clara, California-based chipmaker.

美国司法部向英伟达公司和其他公司发出传票,寻求该芯片制造商违反反垄断法的证据,这是对人工智能处理器主要供应商的调查升级。 据知情人士透露,司法部此前曾向公司发出调查问卷,现在正在发出具有法律约束力的请求,要求收件人提供信息。这使得政府距离发起正式投诉又近了一步。 知情人士表示,反垄断官员担心英伟达正在加大改变到其他供应商的难度,并对不专门使用其人工智能芯片的买家进行惩罚。由于讨论是私下进行,因此要求匿名。 周二,英伟达股价暴跌 2790 亿美元,创历史新高,在彭博社报道传票后,该股在尾盘交易中进一步下跌。尽管如此,在这家总部位于加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉的芯片制造商销售爆炸性增长的推动下,该股今年还是上涨了一倍多。

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