
Source: Walz family members show support for Trump | Fox News

An image circulating online shows family members of vice presidential candidate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz openly supporting former President Trump.

The photo was shared online by former Nebraska Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles Herbster. It shows eight people wearing “Nebraska Walz’s (sic) for Trump” t-shirts.

“Tim Walz’s family back in Nebraska wants you to know something…” Herbster wrote on X. Fox News Digital has reached out to the Trump and Harris campaigns.

Family members told Fox News they consider themselves “distant” from Walz and have never met or spoken with him. One person in the photo who wished to remain anonymous said they are supporting Trump because “he supports our values.”

Trump replied on Truth Social to the image, implying that he plans to “meet” with Jeff Walz, the older brother of the Minnesota governor.

The older Walz posted a series of statements last week about the Democratic vice presidential nominee on social media.

“I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology,” Jeff posted in one Facebook message on Friday evening, referring to his brother.

网上流传的一张图片显示,副总统候选人明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·沃尔兹的家人公开支持前总统特朗普。 这张照片是由前内布拉斯加州共和党州长候选人查尔斯·赫布斯特在网上分享的。它显示八个人穿着“内布拉斯加华尔兹支持特朗普”的T恤。 赫伯斯特在 X 上写道,“蒂姆·沃尔兹在内布拉斯加州的家人想让你知道一些事情……”福克斯新闻数字版已经联系了特朗普和哈里斯的竞选团队。  沃尔兹的家人告诉福克斯新闻,他们认为自己与沃尔兹“疏远”,从未见过他或与他交谈过。照片中一位不愿透露姓名的人士表示,他们支持特朗普,因为“他支持我们的价值观”。   特朗普在《真相传媒》上回复了这张图片,暗示他计划与明尼苏达州州长的哥哥杰夫·沃尔兹“会面”。  老沃尔兹上周在社交媒体上发布了一系列有关民主党副总统候选人的声明。 杰夫周五晚上在脸书上发布的一条消息中提到了他的兄弟,“我百分百反对他的所有意识形态。”
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