英语:图尔西·加巴德向 Newsmax 表示:批评哈里斯后被列入恐怖分子观察名单

Source: Tulsi Gabbard to Newsmax: Put on Terror Watchlist After Criticizing Harris | Newsmax.com

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, who is working with former President Donald Trump’s campaign, told Newsmax on Wednesday she was targeted by the Biden administration after criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris.

On Aug. 4, whistleblowers with the federal Air Marshal Service reportedly said Gabbard, who ran for the Democrat presidential nomination in 2020, was enrolled in the Transportation Security Administration’s Quiet Skies program, which is a suspected terrorist watchlist.

“To make a long story short, [this] is political retaliation,” Gabbard told “The Record With Greta Van Susteren.” “The very next day after I criticized Kamala Harris’ policies and pointed out to the American people how dangerous she would be as president and commander in chief, I was put on this secret domestic terror watchlist called Quiet Skies.”

Gabbard said she does a lot of air travel every week and has been put through indepth searches and federal marshals have been traveling on every flight she has been on. She also said the whistleblowers came forward “because they were so disgusted by the abuse of power and the politicization of them.”

“They saw this clearly for what it is, an act of political retaliation,” she said, “and it is just the tip of the iceberg of what we know Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have been doing and what Kamala Harris will continue to do to try to silence her critics and send a message: Don’t cross me, don’t challenge my authority. If you do, there will be consequences.”

Gabbard said she has no idea how she can get taken off the watchlist.

正在与前总统唐纳德·特朗普竞选团队合作的夏威夷州前众议员图尔西·加巴德周三告诉 Newsmax,她在批评副总统卡马拉·哈里斯后成为拜登政府的攻击目标。 8 月 4 日,据报道,联邦空中法警的举报人称,竞选 2020 年民主党总统提名的加巴德已被列入运输安全管理局的“安静天空”计划,该计划就是可疑的恐怖分子观察名单。 ”加巴德告诉《格蕾塔·范·苏斯特伦记录》,“长话短说,[这]是政治报复。 就在我批评卡玛拉·哈里斯的政策并向美国人民指出她作为总统和三军统帅将是多么危险的第二天,我就被列入了名为“安静天空”的秘密国内恐怖观察名单。” 加巴德说,她每周都会进行大量的航空旅行,并接受仔细的搜查,联邦执法人员也乘坐她乘坐的每一个航班。她还表示,举报人站出来“是因为他们对滥用权力和将权力政治化感到非常厌恶”。 她说:“他们清楚地看到了这是什么,这是一种政治报复行为,这只是我们所知道的卡马拉·哈里斯和乔·拜登一直在做的事情以及卡马拉·哈里斯将继续做的事情的冰山一角。试图让批评她的人闭嘴,并传达一个信息:不要冒犯我,不要挑战我的权威,如果你这样做,就会有后果。” 加巴德说,她不知道如何才能将自己从观察名单中删除。

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