

The United States and Iraq have reached an understanding on plans for the withdrawal of U.S.-led coalition forces from Iraq, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The plan, which has been broadly agreed but requires a final go-ahead from both capitals and an announcement date, would see hundreds of troops leave by September 2025, with the remainder departing by the end of 2026, the sources said.

“We have an agreement, its now just a question of when to announce it,” a senior U.S. official said.

The U.S. and Iraq are also seeking to establish a new advisory relationship that could see some U.S. troops remain in Iraq after the drawdown.

An official announcement was initially scheduled for weeks ago but was postponed due to regional escalation related to Israel’s war in Gaza and to iron out some remaining details, the sources said.


消息人士称,该计划已获得广泛同意,但需要两国首都的最终批准和公布日期,预计数百名士兵将在 2025 年 9 月前撤离,其余人员将在 2026 年底前撤离。


美国 和伊拉克也在寻求建立一种新的顾问关系,撤军后,部分部队可能仍留在伊拉克。


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