
Source: Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief says Kursk operation weakens Russian maneuvers at front | RBC-Ukraine

Ukraine is doing everything possible to prevent the loss of Pokrovsk. The Kursk operation has effectively deprived Russia of the ability to maneuver its forces, according to Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi.

In response to a journalist’s question about whether the Kursk operation diverted Russian forces from the Pokrovsk front and whether Ukraine might lose Pokrovsk, General Oleksandr Syrskyi stated that over the past six days, the enemy has made no territorial gains, indicating that Ukraine’s strategy is working. He emphasized that every effort is being made to ensure Pokrovsk remains secure, with defensive fortifications being strengthened.

“Of course, the enemy has concentrated the most trained of its units in the Pokrovsk sector. But we have deprived him of the ability to maneuver his units and the ability to redeploy his strengthening units from other areas,” Syrskyi said.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces noted that while Russia has not redeployed many troops from the Pokrovsk area, except for one marine brigade, the enemy can no longer maneuver its reserves as it did previously. This weakening is also being felt on other fronts. According to Syrskyi, the number of artillery shellings and the intensity of offensive actions have decreased.

乌克兰武装部队总司令亚历山大·西尔斯基表示,乌克兰正在尽一切努力防止失去波克罗夫斯克。库尔斯克行动实际上剥夺了俄罗斯调动部队的能力。西尔斯基将军表示,在过去的六天里,敌人没有取得任何领土进展,这表明乌克兰的战略正在发挥作用。 他强调,正在尽一切努力确保波克罗夫斯克的安全,并加强防御工事。 西尔斯基说:“当然,敌人将训练有素的部队集中在波克罗夫斯克地区。但我们剥夺了他们机动部队的能力以及从其他地区重新部署加强部队的能力。” 乌克兰武装部队总司令指出,虽然俄罗斯没有从波克罗夫斯克地区重新部署太多部队,但除了一个海军陆战旅外,敌人已无法像以前那样调动其预备队。这种削弱也体现在其他方面。西尔斯基表示,炮击次数和进攻行动强度均有所下降。

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