
Source: Ukrainian demining machine “Zmiy” successfully passed test

The Ukrainian demining machine “Zmiy” by Rover Tech can work in low and medium vegetation and is capable of destroying anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, as well as removing tripwires.

This was reported by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

“Today we have received not just another 100% Ukrainian demining vehicle. The Rover Tech team was able to make a lightweight, fast machine that can withstand anti-tank mine explosions. Such innovations are Ukraine’s response to the challenge we face: to return 80% of the land to productive use in 10 years. It is especially important that the machine is made in Ukraine, as it means new jobs, budget revenues and support for the economy,” said Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

It is noted that the cost of the “Zmiy” is several times lower than its foreign counterparts – from 14,500 to almost 20,000 dollars, depending on the configuration. And after the start of mass production, the price may be even lower.

The machine weighs over a ton and has a working tool width of 1.35 meters. Due to its lightweight, it can clear up to 2.5 hectares per hour. The operator can remotely control the machine from a distance of up to 2.9 km.

As reported, Ukraine loses USD 11.2 billion annually due to mined areas, which is 5.6% of the country’s GDP in 2021. The World Bank estimates that nearly USD 35 billion will be needed to clear the entire territory of Ukraine of mines.

乌克兰新闻援引经济部信息报道,Rover Tech公司的乌克兰排雷机“Zmiy”可以在低矮和中等植被中工作,能够摧毁杀伤人员地雷和反坦克地雷,并清除绊网。 这是乌克兰报道的。 乌克兰第一副总理兼经济部长尤利娅·斯维里登科表示,“今天我们收到的不仅仅是另一辆 100% 乌克兰排雷车。 Rover Tech 团队能够制造出一种轻质、快速的机器,能够承受反坦克地雷爆炸。这些创新是乌克兰对我们面临的挑战的回应:在 10 年内将 80% 的土地恢复生产性用途。该机器在乌克兰制造尤为重要,因为这意味着新的就业机会、预算收入和对经济的支持。”“Zmiy”的成本比国外同类产品低数倍——从14,500美元到近20,000美元,具体取决于配置。而且开始量产后,价格可能还会更低。 该机器重量超过一吨,工作刀具宽度为1.35米。由于其重量轻,每小时可清理多达 2.5 公顷的土地。操作员可以在最远2.9公里的距离内远程控制机器。 据报道,乌克兰每年因雷区损失112亿美元,占该国2021年GDP的5.6%。世界银行估计,清除乌克兰全境的地雷需要近350亿美元。

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