

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine signed off Law No. 11507, effectively making the Unmanned Systems Forces a separate branch of Ukraine’s Armed Forces.

That’s according to the parliament website, Ukrinform reports.

On September 16, the law was returned to the Verkhovna Rada with the president’s signature, the memo reads.

As Ukrinform reported earlier this month, the Verkhovna Rada adopted Draft law No. 11507, which provides for making the Unmanned Systems Forces a separate branch of the Armed Forces.

乌克兰通讯社援引议会网站消息报道,乌克兰总统泽连斯基签署了第 11507 号法律,将无人系统部队变为乌克兰武装部队的一个独立分支。

备忘录称,9 月 16 日,该法律经总统签字后被送回最高拉达。

正如乌克兰通讯社本月早些时候报道的那样,最高拉达通过了第 11507 号法律草案,该草案规定将无人系统部队变为武装部队的一个独立分支。

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