
Source: Ursula von der Leyen unveils new European Commission team

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has presented her proposed new team of commissioners after negotiations with the EU’s member states.

The European Commission is the EU’s equivalent of a cabinet, and each commissioner is responsible for a different portfolio.

Out of a total of 26 proposed commissioners, 10 are women and 16 are men.

When she was elected European Commission president for a second five-year term in July, Ms von der Leyen asked member countries to put forward two names, a man and a woman, as candidates.

However, few countries initially heeded her call.

“When I received the first nominations… we had a share of 22% women and 78% men,” she said, adding that this was “completely unacceptable”.

Ms von der Leyen said that after working with member states she was able to improve the share to 40% women and 60% men.

The unveiling of Ms von der Leyen’s proposed top team follows a number of weeks of horse-trading.

Powerful posts have gone to candidates hailing from across the political spectrum. Spain’s Teresa Ribera, a socialist, France’s Stéphane Séjourné, a liberal, and Raffaele Fitto, a member of Italy’s far-right Brothers of Italy, are all set to become executive vice-presidents in charge of key economic portfolios.

欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩在与欧盟成员国谈判后介绍了她提议的新委员团队。 欧盟委员会相当于欧盟的内阁,每位委员负责不​​同的职责。 在总共 26 名拟议委员中,10 名女性,16 名男性。 当冯德莱恩女士于 7 月当选欧盟委员会主席,开始第二个五年任期时,她要求成员国提出两名候选人,即一男一女作为候选人。 然而,最初很少有国家响应她的呼吁。 她说,“当我收到第一批提名时……我们的提名中女性占 22%,男性占 78%,”并补充说这是“完全不可接受的”。 冯德莱恩女士表示,在与成员国合作后,她能够将这一比例提高到女性 40% 和男性 60%。经过数周的讨价还价之后,冯德莱恩提议的高层团队揭晓。 来自各个政治派别的候选人都获得了重要职位。西班牙的社会主义者特雷莎·里贝拉、法国的自由主义者斯特凡·塞茹内和意大利极右翼意大利兄弟会成员拉斐尔·菲托都将成为负责关键经济投资的执行副总裁。

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