
Source: Zelensky: For more than year of work, 70 million tonnes of cargo have been transported through sea corridor

For more than a year of operation of our export sea corridor, 70 million tons of cargo have been transported. More than 2500 vessels have left Ukrainian ports.

This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky in his Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

“Despite the war and Russian terror, Ukraine continues to be a donor of global food security for dozens of countries around the world. And we are increasing our capabilities. For more than a year, our export sea corridor has already transported 70 million tonnes of cargo. More than 2,500 ships have left Ukrainian ports. The ports of Asia, Africa, Europe and America accept our Ukrainian cargo. Countries from Egypt to Indonesia, from Tunisia and Libya to India, from Algeria to China have received our Ukrainian grain,” Zelensky said.

He added that thanks to the humanitarian initiative “Grain from Ukraine” in Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan, at least hundreds of thousands of families and millions of people have received the necessary food.

The President thanked everyone who works for the sake of our export potential.

As reported, Ukraine has exported 4.356 mln tonnes of grains and pulses since the beginning of 2024/2025 marketing year (July 1) as of August 7, which is 2 mln tonnes more than in the same period of the previous marketing year.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基在电报群中宣布,乌克兰出口海上通道运行一年多来,已运输货物7000万吨。超过2500艘船只已离开乌克兰港口。泽连斯基说,“尽管发生了战争和俄罗斯的恐怖袭击,乌克兰仍然是全球数十个国家粮食安全的捐助者。我们正在增强我们的能力。一年多来,我们的出口海上走廊已运输货物7000万吨。超过2500艘船只已离开乌克兰港口。亚洲、非洲、欧洲和美洲的港口接受我们乌克兰货物。从埃及到印度尼西亚,从突尼斯和利比亚到印度,从阿尔及利亚到中国,都收到了我们的乌克兰粮食。”他补充说,得益于埃塞俄比亚、索马里、也门和苏丹的“乌克兰谷物”人道主义倡议,至少数十万家庭和数百万人获得了必要的粮食。 总统感谢所有为我们的出口潜力而努力的人。 据报道,自2024/2025销售年度(7月1日)开始以来,截至8月7日,乌克兰已出口谷物和豆类435.6万吨,比上一销售年度同期增加200万吨。

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