12 月 17 日,54 岁的俄罗斯中将伊戈尔・基里洛夫在莫斯科公寓外被隐藏在电动滑板车上的炸弹炸死。乌克兰声称对这次袭击负责,这次袭击也夺走了基里洛夫助手的生命。
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔・普京称这次杀戮是俄罗斯安全机构的 “重大错误”, 称官员应该从中吸取教训并提高效率。
Russia foiled an alleged Ukrainian plot to assassinate top military officers, the country’s top security agency announced Thursday.
The foiled attack comes after Russian Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, 54, was killed by a bomb hidden on an electric scooter outside his Moscow apartment on December 17. Ukraine claimed responsibility for the attack, which also took the life of Kirillov’s assistant.
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the killing a “major blunder” by Russia’s security agencies, saying officials should learn from it and improve their efficiency.
The new assassination plot involved explosive devices similar to Kirillov’s killing, according to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB).
The FSB, Moscow’s primary successor to the KGB, said in a statement carried by Russian news agencies Thursday that it arrested four Russians accused of making preparations to kill senior officials with the Defense Ministry.
The four Russians were planning to kill one of the senior officers using a remotely controlled car bomb, according to the FSB. Car bombs have been a common tactic to carry out Ukrainian-planned assassinations of Russians amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.
The FBS said another top military official was going to be killed by an explosive device hidden in an envelope.
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