
Source: Moment police boarded Russian-linked ship ‘crammed with spy gear’ that is suspected of vandalising a key undersea power cable as NATO boosts Baltic patrols | Daily Mail Online

芬兰警方和边防警卫登上了一艘与俄罗斯有关的船只,据报道,该船塞满了“间谍设备”,并涉嫌破坏一条重要的海底电缆。 当局怀疑油轮 Eagle S 拖锚导致芬兰和爱沙尼亚之间的 Estlink 2 电力线路断裂。 作为回应,北约正在紧急加强芬兰湾的巡逻,芬兰湾是一条繁忙的航道,也被俄罗斯海军和商业航运广泛使用。 图片显示了芬兰执法人员如何从直升机登上这艘船。 这艘库克群岛注册的 751 英尺长的 Eagle S 被怀疑是弗拉基米尔·普京为逃避制裁而运营的俄罗斯“影子”或“黑暗”舰队的一部分。 从表面上看,这是一艘保养不善的油轮,但消息人士称,它是俄罗斯的“间谍船”,船上装有对北约舰船和飞机进行无线电侦察的高科技设备。 《劳氏日报》援引一位熟悉该船的消息人士话报道说:“船上的高科技设备对于商船来说是不正常的,消耗了船上发电机的更多电力,导致多次停电。” 但现在芬兰人扣留了这艘船,怀疑它是最近波罗的海主要海底电缆被破坏的幕后黑手,此举意在破坏在战争中支持乌克兰的北约国家。

Finnish police and border guards boarded a Russian-linked ship that was reportedly crammed with ‘spy equipment’ and suspected of vandalising a key undersea cable.

The authorities suspect the oil tanker Eagle S of dragging its anchor to rupture of the Estlink 2 power link between Finland and Estonia.

In response, NATO is urgently boosting patrols in the Gulf of Finland, a busy seaway also widely used by Russian naval and commercial shipping.

The pictures show how Finnish law enforcement boarded the vessel from a helicopter.

The Cook Islands-registered 751-ft long Eagle S is suspected of being part of the Russian ‘shadow’ or ‘dark’ fleet operated by Vladimir Putin to evade sanctions.

To outward appearances it was a badly maintained oil tanker, but sources said it was acting as a ‘spy ship’ for Russia, with high-tech equipment for radio reconnaissance of NATO ships and aircraft on board.

‘The hi-tech equipment on board was abnormal for a merchant ship and consumed more power from the ship’s generator, leading to repeated blackouts,’ reported Lloyd’s List, citing a source familiar with the vessel.

But it is now detained by the Finns amid suspicion it was behind the most recent damage to key undersea cables in the Baltic Sea in a deliberate attempt to disrupt NATO states which are backing Ukraine in the war.

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