Obama’s Coup is Complete


It took him longer than he planned on to get rid of Trump. In the end though, he got a trifecta with control of the presidency, the House and the Senate.

Obama is more in control of our country now than he ever was as president.

Events over the past year that were either planned or taken advantage of by the democrat party定语从句 have led to a stolen election and a future of complete leftist control over our country. This is on top of the previous three years of resistance, mayhem and criminality 定语从句that they participated in 状语从句since Trump was inaugurated.

Democratic lies and corruption, a partisan and perverse education system, a dishonest and complicit media and worthless Republicans have propelled 宾语从句which can only be explained as a mob organization to power.

This is a power 定语从句that will be used in every way possible to cement the democrat party into a position of UNLIMITED power and control over every inhabitant of the United States.

Obama’s installation of puppet Dementia Biden will soon happen. Obama’s buddy, Kamala, will take over the presidency soon and will rule over us 状语从句until there is a rebellion.

Yes, I believe宾语从句 that some day a majority of the people in the country WILL actually realize 宾语从句they’re being oppressed and get to a point 定语从句where they won’t accept democratic tyranny anymore. I actually believe宾语从句 that it happened on November 3rd but the voter fraud didn’t allow us to prove that.

The rebellion won’t be pretty. The more that people are oppressed, the bigger the correction will be. The response from the people will be directly proportionate to the tyrannical abuse 定语从句they will have to suffer through.

But the elitist democrats aren’t worried about 名词从句what they see as a distant collapse of the country and their power. They believe宾语从句 that it will take so long that they won’t even be around anymore. Plus they have so many deals in place along with an “exit” plan 分词定语worked out, an implosion of the country wouldn’t have a huge effect on them.

Right now, we are like a frog in warm water动名词 taking a bath but at some point the people will realize 宾语从句that the democrats are boiling us for dinner.

The democrats don’t just plan to change the policies of our country. They plan change the rules of how government works状语从句 so that it’s impossible for them to lose their power for some time to come.

They have big dreams and they can accomplish them now in the next two years. They can get rid of the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, add states to the union and much more.

The Obama presidency was just a trial run for 名词从句what is happening now – the complete transformation of our country 定语从句that Barry promised.

It was a test 不定式主语to see how far we could be pushed with a con man at the helm of the country. He presented anti-Americanism with a smiling face, nice pleats and a good marketing plan.

It worked pretty well.

But then Trump came along. Obama and friends realized 宾语从句that they didn’t do enough 状语从句when they were in power and now they would have to go all-in to destroy Orange Man Bad.

They had to go after Trump to cover up their own corruption and illegality. And they couldn’t let anyone know that conservatism 分词定语packaged in a non-political president can actually improve the country quite substantially.

Right from the beginning, Obama and friends knew宾语从句 that the Don wasn’t “of the swamp” and would be a different kind of president. Obama’s legacy would be destroyed 定语从句which means red-alert-red-alert, it was all hands on deck going after 45.

The Russia hoax was the beginning but not the end.

The democratic tyrannical control of our country定语从句 that will start on January 20th is a result of the fake media, Rinos, corrupt democrats and a very effective addition of their own democratic Antifa BLM terrorist army.

And because of the coup…

No longer does Obama and his crooked friends have to worry about anything having to do with the Russia hoax and all of the illegal things定语从句 that they did.

Hunter Biden’s in the clear and so is every other democrat 定语从句who participated in pay-to-play, voter fraud, sexual harassment or any other crimes (unless they go off the reservation of course).

Democrats and their supporters定语从句 who helped in the coup will be rewarded soon with money, power, status, grants, donations, helpful legislation and jobs.

And Hillary and/or Obama will end up being a Supreme Court Justice.

The Republican party had a huge part in play in the situation 定语从句we find ourselves in. They were so completely feckless 状语从句that they couldn’t (or wouldn’t) even prosecute the most egregious crimes 定语从句that the democrats committed during their quest to get rid of Trump. And that includes the many saboteurs and turncoats within the Trump administration.

As a parting gift, I sincerely hope 宾语从句that Trump completely declassifies EVERYTHING 定语从句that has to do with the Russia Hoax and shows宾语从句 how corrupt the democratic party truly is.

Even if he has to do it himself by putting it on a jump drive and sneaking it out of the White House inside of his MAGA hat.

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