第一课 (视频:点击页底Youtube>Playlists>英语课程)

Is America’s past a tale of racism, sexism, and bigotry?疑问句,系词be放句首 Is it the story of the conquest and rape of a
continent?同上 Is U.S. history the story of white slave owners who perverted the electoral process for
their own interests定语从句,相当一个形容词,修饰owners? Did America start with Columbus’s killing all the Indians, leap to Jim Crow
laws and Rockefeller crushing the workers动名词,相当一个名词,作介词to宾语, then finally save itself with Franklin Roosevelt’s New
Deal疑问句,用do过去式,主语是 America,谓语是3个并列动词? The answers, of course, are no, no, no, and NO.

美国的过去是一个种族主义,性别歧视和偏执狂的奇谈怪论吗?是征服和强奸新大陆的故事吗?美国历史是白人奴隶主为了自己的利益为所欲为改变选举程序的故事吗?美国是从哥伦布杀害所有印第安人开始,然后一步跨到吉姆·克罗(Jim Crow) 法和镇压工人的洛克菲勒,最终凭借富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)新政而挽救的吗?答案当然是绝对否定的。

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