Was Trump Laid Low Just to Satisfy Barack Obama’s Ego? – American Thinker


After studying the Kenyan Imposter for 14 years, it’s evident 主语从句that the former president was, and is, a thin-skinned, vindictive, narcissistic, self-obsessed child. Condescending Barack Obama has proven宾语从句 that accolades are his life’s blood. When accolades turn into differing opinions, the former POTUS soothes his wounded ego by publicly disgracing his critics.

Barack Obama thinks so highly of himself 状语从句that 动名词disagreeing with anything 定语从句he says makes all challengers the target of mockery and ruin.

Take, for instance, the former president spending eight years 宾补sharing his distaste for 名词从句what he believes is a “deeply flawed” nation. 状语从句If critics dared challenge Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” into a Saul Alinsky nightmare, they often met with acerbic pushback.

Throughout his presidency, Obama consistently admonished or sarcastically insulted his critics. To punish conservatives, the former president creatively weaponized a federal agency and sicced the IRS on detractors 定语从句he referred to as “teabaggers.”

By articulating his disdain for “bitter” gun-clinging Judeo-Christians, Obama found a way to openly reaffirm his deep-seated hate for the First and Second Amendments. Then, in an attempt to make his true feelings 分词宾补known to his detractors, Obama vilified law enforcement and the U.S. military, censored and surveilled U.S. citizens, and deprecated right-leaning news anchors. A spiteful Obama imposed his vision on the rebellious by resettling middle-class neighborhoods with unvetted putative refugees, destroying jobs, waving thousands of medically compromised illegals over the border, and insulting Israel by sharing American wealth with genocidal regimes.

In other words, 状语从句if Barry sensed disapproval, detractors could expect to be tacitly schooled in a backhanded, albeit painful way.

Fast-forward to 2016, and in the race for the White House, an “America First” non-politician caused Obama’s Marxist momentum to come to a screeching halt. The election of Donald Trump symbolized the antithesis of everything 定语从句the progressive left stood for. Trump campaigned on reverence for God and respect for the sanctity of life. He inspired patriotism and had workable plans to create jobs and renew the economy — all of the things Barack had spent eight years attempting to destroy.

In one night, Barry Soetoro’s Marxist takeover was sidelined by a populist billionaire 定语从句who dared to disagree with the left’s doctrine. Imagine Obama’s embarrassment — all that “Hope and Change,” crushed by the weight of a guy with bad hair 定语从句who hailed from Queens. Let’s just say 宾语从句that 状语从句after Hillary lost, she probably wasn’t the only one smashing vases and sticking pins into voodoo dolls.

Rest assured: Hillary’s slap-down was most definitely personalized by the touchy “all about me” narcissist as a total rejection of his anti-American radicalism. Hence his admitted desire for a “third term.”

Nevertheless, 状语从句if “past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior,” after that crushing loss, Obama most likely invested his time making sure 宾语从句there would be hell to pay. That’s 名词从句why, 分词状语based on the former president’s typical response to humiliation, from that night forward, Barack likely slept little and planned much.

Thanks to orchestrated overkill, some Americans believe宾语从句 that Trump lost to a guy with dementia, was impeached twice, will lose the right to run for a second run, and might be denied a presidential library. No Twitter, no Facebook, no nothing.

Although pure speculation, that sort of heavy-handedness indicates 宾语从句that it might have been Obama all along concocting an attack to purge “Orange Man Bad” from the collective consciousness. In Barack’s sick, twisted mind, the former president probably is deluded enough to believe 宾语从句he can re-establish his legacy by making a complete ass out of someone 定语出价who dared confront the progressive global vision 定语从句Obama took mainstream.

With that in mind, since President Trump took office, it’s hard 不定式主语to not smell Obama’s obsessive stink all over a calculated effort to destroy a good man.

Of late, those carefully crafted plans include acrimony and suspicious ACORNish activity, not to mention a year-long lockdown and Rules for Radicals-style chaos. Recently, Americans witnessed a sham inauguration and post-inaugural mischief 定语从句where every executive order 定语从句Joe the Automaton signed reeked with the stench of Obama’s malicious effort to reinstate himself as all-knowing redeemer.

Lest we forget, Kamala “I’m Speaking” Harris has had a longstanding relationship with former president Obama. Thus the reason for her meteoric rise from the shadows of Willie Brown’s love shack to the vice presidency. Unfortunately for America, besides having a cackle from hell, “the best-looking” attorney general on the planet also has Barry’s slimy fingerprints all over her high tops.

Then there’s the return of the posse of familiar co-conspirators 定语从句who emerged from the political ash heap of history to take up 状语从句where the Obama era left off. Those throwbacks include the likes of White House press secretary Jen “Pink Hat” Psaki and domestic secretary Susan Rice, 定语从句who, on behalf of her old boss, would be more than willing to rise from a cobwebbed crypt to deliver social and economic pain to 74 million of Trump’s loyal supporters.

分词状语Considering that, and more, it’s hard 不定式主语to deny that Joe “Marionette” Biden is probably being “nudged” around by a syndicate of Obama-directed operatives.

Trust me: since 2016, the former president’s goal has been not only to help Democrats win back the White House, nor has it been merely to complete the anti-American job定语从句 he had hoped Hillary would finish. Oh, no! 分词状语Based on Obama’s track record of revenge, with the help of the media and Big Tech, Alinsky’s star agitator may be the one 定语从句who instituted a plan to soothe his wounded ego by making sure 宾语从句Donald Trump, his family, and his supporters are permanently blackballed and publicly disgraced.

That’s why, 状语从句if all goes according to plan, there will be an Obama-inspired, Pelosi-goaded, RINO-supported impeachment trial 分词定语designed expressly to put Trump and his supporters on notice 宾语从句that punitive reprisal awaits anyone 定语从句who defies the tenets 同位语从句Barack Obama spent eight years cramming down America’s throat. In the meantime, the former community organizer is probably stirring a massive vat of warm tar and plucking bushels full of chicken feathers for the impending walk of shame he hopes will be the death knell for Donald Trump’s reputation.

Hence, 主语从句what the world is witnessing isn’t only an Obama Redux dressed up in a Biden suit; this is about extracting political blood for an insufferable egomaniac named Barack Obama, 定语从句whose thirst for retribution remains unquenchable 状语从句until all his critics are destroyed.

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