You Know There Was Industrial-Scale Election Fraud. What Can Be Done? – American Thinker

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes, and certainly do not believe the scores of fellow citizens 定语从句who, under oath, signed affidavits and testified about the fraud 定语从句those lying eyes witnessed.

Put this behind you. Move on. Just forget it.

But you can’t.

You probably want to, particularly 状语从句as your spouse complains about 名词从句how tense you seem these days.

Fraud is an ugly thing, even 状语从句when it happens to someone else. 状语从句When it happens to you, or at least to the guy定语从句 you were voting for, 状语从句even if you did not like his tweets, it is a bit more personal.

Children are born with a fear of loud noises. It is one of their only innate fears. They do not fear hot stoves; they do not fear loaded pistols; they do not fear that pot of boiling water. They learn about those dangers soon enough.

Children are also born with a sense of justice. It is inherent, innate, in there somewhere. Everyone, or about everyone, has it. Angry voices make them cry. 动名词Witnessing someone 宾补harming an animal is horrible to them. It should remain so. Something immediately angers a child 状语从句when someone cuts in line.

That innate sense of justice, right and wrong, is名词从句 why you remain tense and your spouse tells you so. It is 名词从句why you just cannot get over it.

There’s another reason. It is uglier.

When someone doles out a clear injustice, like 动名词stealing your stuff, 动名词breaking into your car, there is some finality. You get the window fixed. You get the stuff back or not. It ends.

This 2020 election fraud thing is a bit different.

Sure, it runs against that innate sense of justice. You still believe 宾语从句what you saw on Election Night with swing states — only swing states — 动名词stopping ballot-counting 状语从句as Trump was surging.

There’s that Atlanta video with the ballots under the desk, everyone sent home with a water main break 分词补语proven to be fake.

There are those math geeks 定语从句who show the possibility of event combinations 定语从句that favored Biden happening were one in a bazillion. Just too many zeroes to comprehend, but you know宾语从句 it is way worse odds than you winning the lottery three times in a row.

You cannot unsee宾语从句 that Joe Biden was in mental decay 状语从句that 条件从句had it been Trump, the press would have been demanding cognitive tests daily.

主语从句What’s really different about the 2020 election fraud is 名词从句that it has such profound ramifications. It is not ending — the fraud is initiating the destruction of your worldview: of your faith and patriotism. It doesn’t have an endpoint.

The country 状语从句as you know it is about to change in ways unimaginable to you a year ago. This was not just an election; it was a change of course 定语从句that may make your country unrecognizable in four years. And you know 宾语从句it was stolen.

Well then prove it!

Frustration is overwhelming, 状语从句because you cannot prove a thing. You cannot prove 宾语从句what you saw, you cannot prove 宾语从句what you know, 状语从句because the institutions with the video hide it. The institutions with the voting data change their websites 状语从句so data are no longer visible, and nobody does a thing about it.

The FBI won’t investigate 状语从句because they are still hiding 宾语从句what they did to undermine the 2016 election!

Well, perhaps everything 分词定语needed to prove 2020 election fraud is at hand.

OK, let’s go there.

What is the proof? Aha, thought you got me there!

Signed affidavits, from a hundred people 定语从句who witnessed fraud, in a binder may be evidence, but it is not proof.

Proof means宾语从句 people believe it, they get it, they know it in their heart.

Rudy and his Excellent Adventure Team brought up all sorts of evidence but never were able to establish proof. It was not their fault. They had evidence of all kinds, too many kinds, and so everyone heard some part of it, remembered less, and knew 宾语从句there was something askew, but it was…complicated.

Proof is a rhetorical phenomenon. That means 宾语从句it is something定语从句 that persuades people 宾语从句that stuff happened. Let’s dig in.

Remember the paragraph about innate justice 状语从句when a kid cuts in line. The important part is 名词从句that the child experienced it. Experience is a key to persuasion.

Here’s a story.

In December, my team was contacted by some data geeks with official election data from one of the swing states. It was a set of about 4 million records, mail-in and absentee ballots with all the supporting data. They asked 宾语从句if we could do anything with it.

We are not election guys, and we have day jobs 分词定语doing pretty cutting-edge stuff in technology, but we do love to play with data. The bigger, the more complicated, the better.

We built a spreadsheet with about 4 million rows, one for each of the ballots. We saw a video 定语从句some teenager did counting 宾语从句how many ballots were received 状语从句before they were mailed out. That’s not a typo.

The U.S. Postal Service, 定语从句who still finds letters from World War 2 in its system and piles of mail under bridges, delivered the ballots back to the state officials 状语从句before they were mailed. As tech guys, we did think 宾语从句this might be a new, disruptive technology, and we are still trying to recreate it.

So we ran the test on the data 定语从句we were given.

Guess what! About 30,000 — more, I recall — ballots were received 状语从句before they were sent. A bunch more, in the thousands, were sent and received the same day. You get the picture.

OK, big deal. We took an analysis 定语从句some kid performed, and we did it, too, but with the most cutting-edge software out there, 同位语one 定语出价that could create a 4-million-row spreadsheet 定语从句that responded in less than a second.

Right. Our analysis was not the eureka moment.

The eureka moment was when we created the SIMPLE BUTTON. We created a button 定语从句that said “ballots received before being mailed.” It is just a button on the screen!

Some of our team, 定语出价who may not even vote and certainly do not care a bit about election fraud, were amazed at 名词从句how much fraud they experienced — by seeing it in live data. They touched the hot stove!

So we built a couple of more queries. Ballots sent and received in 24 hours, 48 hours!

The effect was the same to everyone we let hit the SIMPLE BUTTON — everyone was blown away.

Now comes the fun part.

There are a lot of publicly available data out there, and there are many, too many for us to track down, excellent analyses of those data. It is evidence but not proof.

We are reaching out to our contacts for anyone 定语从句who has those data — or any publicly available data of absentee and mail-in ballots. Remember, some data were publicly available a few days after the election but now are behind a wall.

More data will become available状语从句 as lawsuits proceed. We want it.

It might be hard to check machine source code or run ballots through optical scanners to see 宾语从句if they were printed in Iran, but election data will eventually just come out. They are, after all, public information.

We think 宾语从句there are tons of fun queries to build.

How’s “people 定语出价who voted and do not live in the state,” or “people 定语从句who voted and are dead”? Maybe “people 定语从句who voted more than once”? And the real clincher: “people 定语从句who voted and live in a vacant lot”?分词状语 Using Google maps, we even show a photo of the empty lot, 定语从句which is really cool. Who knows? You may be someone定语从句 who says 宾语从句he lives at that address.

Running a SIMPLE BUTTON query does not generate a dead report. You actually see the data 宾补move around, and, bam, you get a spreadsheet — 4 million rows! Scroll down. You see every instance. You scroll to the bottom, and there’s the total — and a lot of the columns are enough to change an election outcome.

Experience turns evidence into proof.

We do not need Amazon or Google, and we are not losing any sleep about being deplatformed. We are just fun data guys, with a lot of fraud investigation experience, 分词状语doing entertaining data analysis. After all, 状语从句if there was no election fraud, there should be nothing to see.

状语从句If people can log onto a website, even those 定语从句who want to question the data; hit a button to see not only 宾语从句how many dead people voted, but their names; see that vacant lot 定语从句where 135 people claim to live, or the people 定语从句who voted in multiple states — well, that is the way to relieve that frustration 定语从句you feel.

So状语从句 if you have data — public election data, non-confidential stuff — we are most happy to add it to the mix.

状语从句When we have enough of these queries built, we will bring up the system 定语从句that we will call “Fun With 2020 Election Fraud” or something like that and let the world play with it. Experience the fraud 定语从句that did not happen.

After all, who has anything to hide? Nothing to see here, right?

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