Donald Trump Fought For Us. Now It’s Our Turn

Back in the early days of the Donald Trump phenomenon, whenever he supposedly got out of line a recurring joke about him was, “But he fights.” The pundits laughed. The poor rubes 分词定语suckered by Trump were supposedly taken in by some canard同位语从句 that he was a fighter. But the fact is 名词从句he was, he won a lot of those fights, and his voters are better off for those wins.

状语从句When the spurious allegations of long past sexual misconduct from now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh emerged, conventional wisdom said宾语从句 his nomination was over. Pre-Trump, that would have been exactly right. He would have been thrown under the bus in the time 定语从句it took a Sandy Koufax fastball to reach the plate. It was the smart play. But instead Trump fought.

动名词Moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, 状语从句as U.S. presidents have promised for, well nigh my whole life and never delivered on, was accomplished. This was supposedly going to retard the prospects of peace in the Middle East. Instead, Trump achieved the historic normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states. That happened 状语从句because he fought.

Since the late 1980s we have assumed 宾语从句that opening trade to communist China would liberate the repressive state there. We did that even after Tiananmen Square. It didn’t work. We now have a China even more 宾补committed to repressing its people. Our workers lost out over those decades of acquiescence to China. Trump started a trade war. He fought.

The pro-transgender movement has now convinced the left 宾语从句there is no difference between a biological man and a biological woman. Joe Biden signed an executive order 分词定语making sure 宾语从句that girls have to compete against boys in sports. Trump ordered the exact opposite of this, 分词状语compelling the federal government to respect the scientific idea of biological sex. He fought.

Against all odds, Trump reduced American troop levels overseas, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. He protected our soldiers. He proved something 定语从句that seemed almost impossible: the idea 同位语从句that a sitting president doesn’t have to start new wars. In less than a week, Biden is increasing troop levels overseas. Trump fought.

Our public schools are teaching our kids a version of American history 定语从句that leads them to believe 宾语从句ours is a horrible nation, rife with racism and in need of radical reform. Trump knew 宾语从句that isn’t true. He commissioned thinkers to create the 1776 Commission to reform this horrible left turn. Biden erased that effort in his first days in office. Again, Trump fought.

I probably used the “but he fights” line back 状语从句when I feared 宾语从句Trump was a great threat to the republic. You’d have to check my Twitter account. But I was wrong. It’s not actually a joke. He really did fight for things 定语从句that are remarkably important 状语从句when far too many in the Republican Party just let them slide. Trump spoke for me and my ideas and the ideas of millions of Americans.

Conservatives aren’t supposed to fight. We are supposed to go gently into that dark night of leftist hegemony and just hope宾语从句 our Norman Rockwell prints aren’t confiscated and cancelled. No. David French and Jonah Goldberg can keep doing that for 名词从句whoever reads them anymore, but conservatives will not. We will keep up Trump’s fight.

状语从句When William F. Buckley annunciated movement conservatism, he said things like “Nominate the most electable conservative” and “Stand athwart history yelling stop!” These were incredibly defensive positions. In retrospect, maybe 动名词making George Will’s bow tie the avatar for a conservatism 结果状语从句that ceded cultural ground at every turn was a mistake.

Trump invited the American people to fight back. We can argue over whether he was a carnival clown, but as the examples above show, it was wildly successful. There is no going back. Biden’s cavalcade of leftist wish list executive orders shows exactly 宾语从句where we are. Democrats don’t desire a détente, they desire domination. Over you, over your kids, over your community.

Unlike Buckley, Trump appeals to working-class and minority voters, and makes an effort to earn their votes. Unlike Buckley, Trump does not simply assume 宾语从句we are losing and trying to slow it down. He wants to win. And, yeah, he lost. He fought, but he lost.

Now it’s our fight. Now it is our responsibility to save the country. Who’s with me?

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