The Betrayal of the American People by Biden and the Ruling Oligarchy – American Thinker

The Biden Administration is willfully and permanently undermining the economy and the future well-being of the citizenry as well as trampling on the Constitution with an unprecedented avalanche of executive orders, proposed legislation and untenable regulations. The current leader of the United States, 主语补语safe in his plush bunker, is without a clue 状语从句as he and his confederates in the ruling oligarchy are more interested in consolidating power and enriching themselves than they are in the long-term welfare of the nation and its citizenry.

In their mad and childish dash to purge the nation of all things 分词定语associated with Donald Trump, this cabal is deliberately being oblivious to the fact 同位语从句that there is but one major responsibility of the leaders of a Constitutional Republic. That is to be certain 形容词补语their country is capable, in the both the short and long-term, of successfully weathering a worst-case scenario such as global war, a massive economic downturn, or a catastrophic natural disaster.

Those currently 分词定语entrenched in the ruling oligarchy are pursuing policies 定语从句that will leave no margin for error in the event of an apocalyptic natural or man-made disaster. As their fixation on climate change, purported systemic racism, unfettered immigration and the pursuit of fictitious and unattainable societal equity will permanently damage the economy and destroy any meaningful growth in the standard of living of the nearly all Americans.

Over the decades, this country’s enormous and ever-expanding Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has allowed government at all levels to spend or borrow 宾语从句whatever monies were necessary to offset the losses from natural and man-made cataclysms and/or re-start the economy after a downturn. They could do so safe in the knowledge 同位语从句that the GDP, thanks to the productivity and ingenuity of the American people, would always grow and provide a consistent level of tax receipts and, in essence, collateral for borrowing. Thus, the wealth of the United States has always been the nation’s fallback position in order to come through wars and recessions or cope with natural disasters.

The probability of a major natural disaster striking a nation as large and geologically diverse as the United States is high. The country is presently experiencing the deleterious fallout from a historically minor pandemic and every year hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes cause enormous property damage and loss of life.

Over the past century the world has, on average, experienced a pandemic every 17 years. The current Chinese coronavirus pandemic, while historically minor as compared to many previous pandemics over the centuries, has exposed the enormous cost 定语从句that would be experienced if a major viral or other outbreak occurs in the future.

In 2020 the deficit spending, almost entirely due to the coronavirus, was $3.3 Trillion and in 2021 it will be at least $3.0 Trillion, 定语从句which includes Biden’s current $1.9 Trillion so-called COVID-19 relief legislation. By contrast, the accumulated national debt in the 212 years from 1790 to 2002 was $6.2 Trillion as compared to $6.3 Trillion in 2020-21alone.

状语从句If the unprecedented lockdowns and other extreme measures 分词定语taken as a reaction to the Chinese coronavirus is now the template for handling all pandemics, then 主语从句what the United States will have to spend in borrowed monies for future severe pandemics will be geometrically larger than the Covid-19 experience.

It has been predicted 主语从句that California has a 99% chance of a major devastating earthquake in the next 30 years. The central part of the United States 分词定语extending to the east coast, in an area that has recorded four of the largest earthquakes ever in North America, could experience a cataclysmic earthquake in the next 40 years. The cost of these events would be in the tens of Trillions of dollars.

The Chinese Communists can now deal with an American administration

分词定语 filled with compromised Sinophiles 定语从句who, in order to protect their personal interests, have signaled to China, 宾语从句that they will be more accommodating and will restore this nation’s dependence on the emerging Chinese manufacturing monopoly. China, thus, will be emboldened to flex their economic and military power throughout the globe 状语从句as they are more determined than ever to dominate a world nearly 分词定语brought to its knees by the coronavirus. In order to do so they will, in due course, initiate an inevitable military confrontation with the United States. Will this country be able to afford a dominant military and have the manufacturing capability 形容词结构necessary to deal with a belligerent China?

This nation has experienced, on average, a recession every 15 years over the past century. The world is today standing on the brink of a potentially debilitating double-dip global recession thanks to ill-advised lockdowns by nearly every nation as an overreaction to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. With this as a backdrop, the job-killing executive orders 定语从句Joe Biden has robotically signed, profligate spending by Congress, unconstrained borrowing and de facto money creation will almost certainly guarantee a prolonged period of severe stagflation (the coexistence of recession and inflation side by side) beginning within the next 12 months.

The U.S. national debt has grown fivefold from $5.6 Trillion in 2000 to $28 Trillion today and is now larger than the annual total value of all economic activity in the U.S. (Gross Domestic Product). It is estimated 主语从句that by the end of 2025 the national debt will be approaching $40 Trillion and will be 50% larger than the projected Gross Domestic Product. The annual interest payments on this debt by 2025 will be nearly $1 Trillion or 75% of the total income taxes 分词定语paid by the American people in 2020. Further, 分词状语based on current spending and revenue streams, by 2040 the national debt will approach $60 to 70 Trillion or more than twice the size of the projected Gross Domestic Product.

The above does not include the impact of prolonged or deep recessions, catastrophic natural disasters, major military conflicts or the negative economic impact of the policies 分词定语being pursued by the current administration.

It is now too late 不定式主语to solely rely on increasing tax revenue to stanch this sea of red ink. As the level of taxation required would devastate productivity and capital creation thus 分词状语cratering the economy. The only viable options are severe spending restraints, minimal tax increases and most importantly expanding the economy by pursuing many of the same policies 分词定语initiated by Donald Trump including confronting China and reinstituting the United States as the manufacturing capital of the world.

However, the Biden Administration, the Democrats in Congress, and their fellow-travelers in the Ruling Class are determined to permanently stifle economic growth by their infatuation with hypothetical climate change thus 分词状语undermining energy development as well as manufacturing. They credulously claim 宾语从句that the theoretical green energy revolution will replace these jobs and wealth, but that will take decades if at all, and will be far too little and too late to prevent national insolvency.

Their determination to raise business taxes as well as dramatically increase job- and business formation-killing regulations is anathema to promoting growth. Their resolve to institute 宾语从句what is tantamount to economic central planning by the bureaucrats in Washington will cause enormous dislocation in financial resources, thus, 分词状语throttling access to capital for expansion or new business formation.

Their obsession with curtailing freedom of speech and casting anyone 定语从句who disagrees with them as potential domestic terrorists 定语从句that must be muzzled and ostracized will foment ongoing societal unrest. Their plans for unconstrained immigration as well as amnesty for millions of illegal aliens will intensify the competition for jobs and demands for welfare subsidies. 分词状语Taken together these measures will further exacerbate tension within the country and undermine national confidence 分词状语adding additional strain to an already shaky economy and a nation 分词定语charging mindlessly into bankruptcy.

How do we pay the recovery costs 分词定语associated with a catastrophic natural or man-made disaster such as a major pandemic or earthquake? From whom do we borrow the money without paying a usurious interest rate and forcing the country into further decline? Can we expect our traditional allies to come to the aid of a profligate country定语从句 whose debt today accounts for 40% of all global debt and will account for nearly 60% by 2040 and whose leadership is deliberately undermining its economy?

As to a dramatic economic downturn in the future, many the traditional tools 分词定语used to make certain a recession does not descend into a depression will not be available. Would the holders of the bonds of the United States concur with significant tax reductions to spur the economy or would they agree to finance more debt as a stimulus and at what interest rate and collateral?

Would the United States choose as an alternative the printing of vast quantities of dollars? Which would devalue the currency and, thus, the debt. But risking hyper-inflation and a likely repeat of the devastating experience within the Weimar Republic (Germany) in the 1920’s. A strategy which could ultimately plunge the citizenry into a dramatically reduced standard of living, massive unemployment and violent societal upheaval.

状语从句If the United States continues on its present course, these are the only choices定语从句 the country will have, yet never in the history of this nation have we had an administration, a political party and a ruling elite 分词定语willingly placing their self-serving agenda ahead of the survival of the United States. This borders on treachery of the worst sort 状语从句as it violates the allegiance 分词定语owed by our elected leaders to preserve and protect the long-term welfare and well-being of the people and the nation.

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