早在2008年,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京在接受德国电视台采访时就指责主持人询问莫斯科是否对乌克兰及其克里米亚半岛有任何企图。这次谈话是在莫斯科对格鲁吉亚进行军事干预后不久进行的。普京脾气暴躁,他表示俄罗斯承认乌克兰的全部边界Putin in 2008

Source: Putin in 2008: ‘Crimea Is Not Disputed Territory’ and Is Part of Ukraine

What a difference a few years makes. Back in 2008, in an interview on German television, Russian President Vladimir Putin upbraided his host for asking whether Moscow had any designs on Ukraine and its Crimean Peninsula.

The conversation took place soon after Moscow’s military intervention in Georgia and Putin was pointedly asked whether Ukraine, and particularly Crimea, could be next.

Putin, his temper flaring, said Russia recognized all of Ukraine’s borders and, he added, there was no ethnic tensions at all in Crimea — something the Kremlin emphasized as a key reason for its 2014 forced annexation of the peninsula.


What a difference a few years makes. Back in 2008, in an interview on German television, Russian President Vladimir Putin upbraided his host for 动名词作介词宾语asking 宾语从句=名词whether Moscow had any designs on Ukraine and its Crimean Peninsula.

The conversation took place soon after Moscow’s military intervention in Georgia and Putin 被动句was pointedly asked 直接宾语whether Ukraine, and particularly Crimea, could be next.

Putin, 主语补语his temper flaring, said Russia recognized all of Ukraine’s borders and, he added, 宾语从句there was no ethnic tensions at all in Crimea — something the Kremlin emphasized as a key reason for its 2014 forced annexation of the peninsula.

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