俄罗斯已将士兵的最高年龄提高了十岁,为准备另外 10 万名士兵在乌克兰进行新的战斗。基辅军事首领认为,弗拉基米尔·普京正在组建一支新部队,以攻击乌克兰北部前线库皮扬斯克周围地区。根据最近批准的一项法律,最高级别的预备役军人可以在 70 岁之前被召回服役,而不是之前的 65 岁Russia


Russia has upped the maximum age for its soldiers by up to ten years as it readies another 100,000 men for a new battle in Ukraine. 

Vladimir Putin is building a new force of soldiers to attack the area around Kupyansk in the northern sector of the frontline in Ukraine, military chiefs in Kyiv believe.

Under a recently approved law, reservists with the highest rank can be called back into service up to the age of 70, instead of the former age of 65.

Men who have also completed their compulsory service can re-enter the army up to the age of 55 rather than 45.  

It comes after hundreds of thousands of men fled the country in September when Putin ordered mobilisation without warning

俄罗斯已将士兵的最高年龄提高了十岁,为准备另外 10 万名士兵在乌克兰进行新的战斗。


根据最近批准的一项法律,最高级别的预备役军人可以在 70 岁之前被召回服役,而不是之前的 65 岁。

完成义务兵役的男性可以在 55 岁(而不是 45 岁)之前重新入伍。


Russia has upped the maximum age for its soldiers by up to ten years 时间状语从句=副词as it readies another 100,000 men for a new battle in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin is building a new force of soldiers to attack the area around Kupyansk in the northern sector of the frontline in Ukraine, military chiefs in Kyiv believe.

Under a recently approved law, reservists with the highest rank 被动句can be called back into service up to the age of 70, 而不是instead of the former age of 65.

Men 定语从句=形容词who have also completed their compulsory service can re-enter the army up to the age of 55 rather than 45.

It comes after hundreds of thousands of men fled the country in September 时间状语从句=副词when Putin ordered mobilisation without warning.

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