据报道,乌克兰人正在通过私营部门增加国内武器生产。如果前总统特朗普重返办公室,预计将减少美国的支持。近年来,乌克兰国防部和国家武器部门因腐败和效率低下而受到批评,Politico 报道了该国的私营军火部门如何爆炸式增长,以及随之而来的乌克兰本土武器的生产Ukrainians


Ukrainians are reportedly ramping up domestic arms production through the private sector in anticipation of former President Donald Trump reducing U.S. support if he returns to office. 

As Ukraine’s defense ministry and state arms sector have come under fire for corruption and lack of inefficiency in recent years, Politico reports how the country’s private arms sector has exploded – and with it, the production of homegrown Ukrainian weapons such as Beaver drones, the Shark, Leleka and Valkyrie. 

With the possibility of Trump, the current GOP presidential front-runner, returning to office after the 2024 election, Ukrainians are preparing for reduced weapons supplies from the U.S., according to the outlet. More than 100 companies are among the Ukrainian arms producers actively working to acquire mostly Chinese-made drone parts from middlemen or third countries, as Beijing has said it halted all direct sales of the weapons to both Kyiv and Moscow’s forces.  


近年来,乌克兰国防部和国家武器部门因腐败和效率低下而受到批评,Politico 报道了该国的私营军火部门如何爆炸式增长,以及随之而来的乌克兰本土武器的生产,例如“海狸”无人机、“鲨鱼”无人机 、莱莱卡和瓦尔基里。

据该媒体报道,由于共和党总统候选人特朗普有可能在 2024 年大选后重新掌权,乌克兰人正在为美国减少武器供应做好准备。 乌克兰武器生产商中有 100 多家公司正在积极努力从中间商或第三国购买大部分中国制造的无人机零部件,因为北京方面已表示已停止向基辅和莫斯科军队直接销售这些武器。

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