美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯警告称,如果中国不停止向俄罗斯运送零部件以助长其对乌克兰的攻击,华盛顿将采取行动。这位美国高级外交官在北京接受 BBC 采访时表示,他已向他的同行明确表示,他们必须停止向莫斯科出售关键零部件。他不会告知华盛顿准备采取什么措施。但布林肯先生也强调,一些合作领域已经取得了进展。他的访问是这两个对手大国之间对话和外交(尽管冷淡)显著增加的一部分,他们试图在去年极度紧张之后让关系恢复平稳。华盛顿和北京之间的关系因中国对台湾和南海的主权以及美国对先进技术的出口禁令而变得紧张。去年 2 月,围绕间谍气球的争吵进一步损害了两国关系。


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned Washington DC will act if China does not stop sending parts to Russia which fuel its assault on Ukraine.

Speaking to the BBC in Beijing, the US’s top diplomat said he had made clear to his counterparts they had to stop selling key components to Moscow.

He would not be pushed on what measures Washington DC was prepared to take if not.

But Mr Blinken was also keen to stress progress had been made in some areas of cooperation.

His visit forms part of a significant increase in dialogue and diplomacy – however frosty – between these rival powers as they attempt to put relations on an even keel after a period of immense tension last year.

Relations between Washington and Beijing have been strained by China’s claims over Taiwan and the South China Sea, and US export bans on advanced tech. They were further damaged by a row over a spy balloon last February.

这位美国高级外交官在北京接受 BBC 采访时表示,他已向他的同行明确表示,他们必须停止向莫斯科出售关键零部件。
华盛顿和北京之间的关系因中国对台湾和南海的主权以及美国对先进技术的出口禁令而变得紧张。去年 2 月,围绕间谍气球的争吵进一步损害了两国关系。

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