《乌克兰新闻报》援引《政客》报道的,土耳其利用国际制裁的漏洞,对俄罗斯石油重新贴上标签,冒充自己的石油,然后将其转运给欧盟,这已经帮助俄罗斯获得至少 30 亿欧元的收益。该媒体和多家智库的研究显示,俄罗斯石油通过土耳其大量进入欧盟,现有路径在形式上仍然合法。 由于制裁中的漏洞,该计划得以实现。如果“混合”燃料被标记为非俄罗斯,则允许将其进口到欧盟。自欧盟于 2023 年 2 月对俄罗斯石油和成品油实施禁令以来的 12 个月内,仅通过一项利用土耳其三个港口(杰伊汉、马尔马拉-埃雷格利西和梅尔辛)的计划,就为莫斯科带来高达 30 亿欧元的收入。 在全面入侵之前,四分之三的原油和40%的柴油从俄罗斯进入欧盟。 在欧盟禁止此类采购前后,土耳其开始逐步增加从俄罗斯的燃料进口,同时增加对欧盟的出口。

Source: Russia transports huge volumes of oil through Türkiye to EU – media

Through a loophole in international sanctions, Türkiye relabels Russian oil, passing it off as its own before forwarding it to the European Union, which has already helped Russia gain at least EUR 3 billion.

That’s according to Politico, Ukrinform reports.

The research done by the outlet and a number of think tanks, Russian oil makes its way into the EU in large volumes through Türkiye, and the existing path remains formally legal.

The scheme has become possible thanks to a loophole in sanctions, which allows the import of “mixed” fuel into the EU if it is labeled as non-Russian. In the 12 months since the EU imposed a ban on Russian oil and refined products in February 2023, it has brought in up to EUR 3 billion for Moscow through a scheme using three Turkish ports – Ceyhan, Marmara-Ereglisi, and Mersin – alone.

Before the full-scale invasion, three-quarters of crude oil and 40% of diesel fuel entered the EU from Russia.

Around the time when the EU banned such purchases, Türkiye began to gradually increase fuel imports from Russia, while at the same time increasing exports to the EU.

《乌克兰新闻报》援引《政客》报道的,土耳其利用国际制裁的漏洞,对俄罗斯石油重新贴上标签,冒充自己的石油,然后将其转运给欧盟,这已经帮助俄罗斯获得至少 30 亿欧元的收益。该媒体和多家智库的研究显示,俄罗斯石油通过土耳其大量进入欧盟,现有路径在形式上仍然合法。 由于制裁中的漏洞,该计划得以实现。如果“混合”燃料被标记为非俄罗斯,则允许将其进口到欧盟。自欧盟于 2023 年 2 月对俄罗斯石油和成品油实施禁令以来的 12 个月内,仅通过一项利用土耳其三个港口(杰伊汉、马尔马拉-埃雷格利西和梅尔辛)的计划,就为莫斯科带来高达 30 亿欧元的收入。 在全面入侵之前,四分之三的原油和40%的柴油从俄罗斯进入欧盟。 在欧盟禁止此类采购前后,土耳其开始逐步增加从俄罗斯的燃料进口,同时增加对欧盟的出口。

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