59 岁的罗伯特·菲科周三在汉德洛瓦小镇遭到枪击,身受重伤。 目前他的情况严重但稳定。官员们表示,他不太可能在未来几天内被送回布拉迪斯拉发。 与此同时,被指控谋杀未遂的男子出庭。 据法庭发言人称,法庭裁定他将被拘留直至审判。 被指控的袭击者正式姓名尚未公布,但斯洛伐克的报道普遍认为他是来自莱维采镇的 71 岁尤拉伊·辛图拉。 《真理报》将辛图拉先生描述为一位诗人,而《斯洛伐克观察家》则报道说,他曾参与过许多不同的政治组织,具有不同的意识形态。 副总理罗伯特·卡利纳克周六表示,菲科先生接受的各种手术后“开始好转”,没有必要正式接管他的公务。 他说,在医护人员的努力下,总理接受治疗的医院诞生了“几个奇迹”。 他补充道:“我们正在稳步接近乐观的预测,对此我无法用言语表达感激之情。”

Source: Slovakia PM Robert Fico ‘approaching a positive prognosis’

Robert Fico, 59, was gravely injured after being shot in the small town of Handlova on Wednesday.

He is currently in a serious but stable condition. Officials said it was unlikely he could be moved back to Bratislava in the next few days.

Meanwhile, the man charged with his attempted murder appeared in court.

It ruled that he be placed in custody until his trial, according to a court spokeswoman.

The alleged assailant has not been formally named, but Slovak reports have widely identified him as 71-year-old Juraj Cintula from the town of Levice.

The Pravda newspaper described Mr Cintula as a poet, while the Sme newspaper reported that he had been involved in many different politically-based organisations, with various ideologies.

Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak said on Saturday the various medical procedures Mr Fico had undergone were “beginning to bear fruit” and that there was no need to formally take over his official duties.

He said “several miracles” had taken place at the hospital the prime minister was being treated at, thanks to the efforts of medical staff.

“I can’t find words of gratitude for the fact that we are steadily approaching that positive prognosis,” he added.

59 岁的罗伯特·菲科周三在汉德洛瓦小镇遭到枪击,身受重伤。 目前他的情况严重但稳定。官员们表示,他不太可能在未来几天内被送回布拉迪斯拉发。 与此同时,被指控谋杀未遂的男子出庭。 据法庭发言人称,法庭裁定他将被拘留直至审判。 被指控的袭击者正式姓名尚未公布,但斯洛伐克的报道普遍认为他是来自莱维采镇的 71 岁尤拉伊·辛图拉。 《真理报》将辛图拉先生描述为一位诗人,而《斯洛伐克观察家》则报道说,他曾参与过许多不同的政治组织,具有不同的意识形态。 副总理罗伯特·卡利纳克周六表示,菲科先生接受的各种手术后“开始好转”,没有必要正式接管他的公务。 他说,在医护人员的努力下,总理接受治疗的医院诞生了“几个奇迹”。 他补充道:“我们正在稳步接近乐观的预测,对此我无法用言语表达感激之情。”
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