
Source: Dick Morris: Trump Will Still Win | Newsmax.com

The conviction of Donald Trump by a New York City jury will have no effect on the election.

There may be some short-term trend against Trump but the public fully understands the nature of this verdict and the partisan bias behind it.

Judge Juan Merchan has guaranteed that this verdict will be perceived as a manifestation of judicial bias. His daughter’s employment by the Democratic Party as a fundraiser, and his biased rulings throughout the case, make his bias evident.

Undoubtedly, Democrats will attempt to make this verdict the linchpin in the 2024 election, but in doing so, they will be wrong.

Voters have decided to support Trump because of the issues affecting them such as inflation, energy prices, crime, and immigration.

No amount of Democratic Party posturing, shouting that Trump is a convicted felon can change that.

Indeed, the main impact of this verdict will be to assure that Joe Biden will indeed be the Democratic Party nominee, so his campaign will be infused with sufficient optimism.

This means Biden won’t pull out, even though he should.

If the Democrats try to make this election about the verdict, they will be making a huge mistake.

This case reminds me of the facts surrounding Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton, in the late 1990s.

By wrapping their whole campaign around the president’s malfeasance, the Republicans erred fatally in 1998.

Voters felt that they were ignoring the real issues by only focusing on the president’s conduct instead of talking about the very real problems they faced in their own lives.

However, of course we need to see how far the Democrats are willing to take this charade of due process. If Merchan chooses to imprison Donald Trump or restrict his ability to campaign, that will become the only issue.

And it will redound to Trump’s benefit. Big time.

纽约市陪审团对唐纳德·特朗普的定罪不会对选举产生影响。 短期内可能存在一些不利于特朗普的趋势,但公众完全理解这一判决的性质及其背后的党派偏见。 胡安·梅尔尚法官证实了这一判决将被视为司法偏见的体现。他的女儿被民主党聘为筹款人,以及他在整个案件中做出带有偏见的裁决,使他的偏见显而易见。 毫无疑问,民主党人将试图将此判决作为 2024 年大选的关键,但这样做他们将打错算盘。 选民决定支持特朗普是因为通货膨胀、能源价格、犯罪和移民等问题影响着他们。 无论民主党如何摆出姿态,高喊特朗普是一名被定罪的重罪犯,都无法改变这一点。 事实上,这一判决的主要影响将是确保乔·拜登确实成为民主党提名人,从而为他的竞选注入足够的乐观情绪。 这意味着拜登不会退出,尽管他应该退出。 如果民主党试图根据这一判决进行这次选举,他们将犯一个巨大的错误。 这个案例让我想起了20世纪90年代末围绕莫妮卡·莱温斯基和比尔·克林顿的事。 共和党在 1998 年犯下了致命的错误,他们的整个竞选活动都围绕着总统的渎职行为展开。 选民们认为,他们只关注总统的行为,而不是谈论他们自己生活中面临的真正问题,从而忽视了真正的问题。 然而,我们当然需要看看民主党愿意在多大程度上接受这种程序正义的滥用。如果胡安·梅尔尚选择监禁唐纳德·特朗普或限制他的竞选活动,这将成为唯一的问题。 这一判决将有利于特朗普。

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