英语:股东警告称,如果 560 亿美元的薪酬方案未获批准,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克可能会离开

Source: Tesla CEO Elon Musk could leave if $56 billion pay package not approved, shareholders warned – The Verge

Tesla board chair Robyn Denholm is calling on the company’s shareholders to approve Elon Musk’s massive $56 billion pay package or risk driving the billionaire CEO to greener pastures.

On June 13th, Tesla shareholders will decide the fate of Musk’s compensation package, which is estimated to be worth as much as $56 billion. It will be the second time that shareholders will vote on the CEO’s pay, after a Delaware judge voided the first one earlier this year on the grounds that the approval process was “deeply flawed.” And now the company is engaged in a full-court press to convince shareholders to approve his compensation, as well as a proposal to reincorporate Tesla in Texas to circumvent the oversight of Delaware’s courts.

“Elon is not a typical executive, and Tesla is not a typical company,” Denholm writes in a letter to shareholders filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. “So, the typical way in which companies compensate key executives is not going to drive results for Tesla. Motivating someone like Elon requires something different.”

特斯拉董事会主席罗宾·丹霍姆 (Robyn Denholm) 呼吁公司股东批准埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 560 亿美元的巨额薪酬方案,否则这位亿万富翁首席执行官可能离开公司。 6 月 13 日,特斯拉股东将决定估计价值高达 560 亿美元的马斯克薪酬方案命运。这将是股东第二次对首席执行官的薪酬进行投票,此前特拉华州的一名法官今年早些时候以批准程序“存在严重缺陷”为由宣布第一次投票无效。现在,该公司正在全力施压,以说服股东批准他的薪酬,同时建议在德克萨斯州重新注册特斯拉以规避特拉华州法院的监督。丹霍姆在向美国证券交易委员会提交致股东的信中写道,“埃隆不是一个典型的高管,特斯拉也不是一个典型的公司。 因此,公司补偿关键高管的典型方式不会为特斯拉带来业绩。激励像埃隆这样的人需要不同的东西。”
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