

Israel says it safely rescued four hostages that were captured by Hamas during the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks. 

The IDF said the hostages, three men and one woman, were rescued in the largest such hostage recovery operation since the war with Hamas began in Gaza.

Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 22, Shlomi Ziv, 41, and Andrey Kozlov, 27, were rescued in two separate locations in a complex special daytime operation in the heart of Nuseirat in central Gaza. They had been held in captivity by the terrorist group for 246 days.

Argamani has been one of the most widely recognized hostages since she was abducted from a music festival in southern Israel. The video of her abduction was among the first to surface, images of her horrified face widely shared — Argamani detained between two men on a motorcycle, one arm outstretched and the other held down as she screams “Don’t kill me!”

Her mother, Liora, has stage four brain cancer and in April released a video pleading to see her daughter before she dies.

Officers of the National Police special anti-terror unit of Yamam along with Shin Bet agents simultaneously raided two Hamas buildings to pluck the hostages to safety. Argamani was rescued at one site, while Meir Jan, Kozlov, and Ziv were at the second location.

During the operation, Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, an officer in the special anti-terror unit of Yamam, was critically injured and later died from his injuries. 

There are still 120 Israeli hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza. Forty-three of them have been declared dead and their bodies are still held by Hamas.

以色列称,已安全救出 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击事件中被哈马斯劫持的四名人质。


26 岁的诺亚·阿加玛尼、22 岁的阿尔莫格·梅尔·简、41 岁的什洛米·齐夫和 27 岁的安德烈·科兹洛夫在加沙中部努塞拉特市中心的两处不同地点获救。他们被恐怖组织关押了 246 天。

自从阿加玛尼在以色列南部的一个音乐节上被绑架以来,她就一直是最受关注的人质之一。 她被绑架的视频是最早曝光的视频之一,她惊恐的表情被广泛传播——阿加玛尼被两名骑摩托车的男子绑架,一只手臂伸出,另一只手臂被按住,她尖叫着“别杀我!”

她的母亲利奥拉患有四期脑癌,今年 4 月她发布了一段视频,恳求在临终前见一面女儿。




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