
Source: G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion for Ukraine by end of 2024

Group of Seven leaders have agreed to provide Ukraine with $50 billion via the use of frozen Russian assets by the end of the year, the French presidency said on Wednesday, June 12. “We have an agreement,” a presidency official said, ahead of a G7 summit in Italy on Thursday that will focus on backing Kyiv’s fight against Russia’s invasion.

G7 leaders had aimed to agree on a deal on using the profits from the interest on $325 billion of frozen Russian central bank assets to help Kyiv, using the profits as collateral for a loan of up to $50 billion.

US President Joe Biden is to meet with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday during the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy. “Originally this was an American initiative,” the French presidency official said, adding that in theory the loan to Ukraine would be repaid with “the proceeds from the frozen Russian assets.”

“But if for some reason or another, if the Russian assets are unfrozen or the proceeds from the Russian assets are not enough to finance the loan, then we’ll have to consider how to share the load” of the loan, the source said.

法国总统府 6 月 12 日星期三表示,七国集团领导人已同意在今年年底前通过使用冻结的俄罗斯资产向乌克兰提供 500 亿美元。一位总统官员在周四于意大利举行的七国集团峰会之前表示,“我们达成了一项协议。”该峰会将重点支持基辅对抗俄罗斯入侵的战争。G7领导人旨在达成一项协议,利用俄罗斯央行冻结的3250亿美元资产的利息收入来帮助基辅,并将这些收入用作高达500亿美元贷款的抵押品。 美国总统乔·拜登将于周四在意大利普利亚举行的七国集团峰会期间会见乌克兰总统泽连斯基。这位法国总统官员表示,“最初这是美国的倡议”,并补充说,理论上,向乌克兰提供的贷款将用“被冻结的俄罗斯资产的收益”偿还。 消息人士称,“但如果出于某种原因,俄罗斯资产被解冻,或者俄罗斯资产的收益不足以支付贷款,那么我们将不得不考虑如何分担贷款负担” 。

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