
Source: US Attack Sub, Canada Navy Patrol Ship Arrive in Cuba on Heels of Russian Warships | Newsmax.com

A Canadian navy patrol ship sailed into Havana early on Friday, just hours after the United States announced a fast-attack submarine had docked at its Guantanamo naval base in Cuba, both vessels on the heels of Russian warships that arrived on the island earlier this week.

The confluence of Russian, Canadian and U.S. vessels in Cuba — a Communist-run island nation just 90 miles south of Florida — was a reminder of old Cold War tensions and fraught ties between Russia and Western nations over the Ukraine war.

However, both the U.S. and Cuba have said the Russian warships pose no threat to the region. Russia has also characterized the arrival of its warships in allied Cuba as routine.

The Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, half submerged with its crew on deck, sailed into Havana harbor on Wednesday after conducting “high-precision missile weapons” training in the Atlantic Ocean, Russia’s defense ministry said.

Canada`s Margaret Brooke patrol vessel began maneuvers early on Friday to enter Havana harbor, part of what the Canadian Joint Operations Command called “a port visit … in recognition of the long-standing bilateral relationship between Canada and Cuba.”

Hours earlier, the U.S. Southern Command said the fast-attack submarine Helena had arrived on a routine port visit to Guantanamo Bay, a U.S. naval base on the tip of the island around 530 miles southeast of Havana.

週五早些時候,一艘加拿大海軍巡邏艦駛入哈瓦那,就在美國宣布一艘快速攻擊潛艇停靠在古巴關塔那摩海軍基地的幾個小時後,這兩艘船緊隨本週早些時候抵達該島的俄羅斯軍艦後。 俄羅斯、加拿大和美國船隻在古巴(一個位於佛羅裡達州以南 90 英里的共產主義島國)匯合,讓人回想起冷戰時期的緊張局勢以及俄羅斯與西方國家因烏克蘭戰爭而緊張的關係。 然而,美國和古巴均表示俄羅斯軍艦對該地區不構成威脅。俄國也將其軍艦抵達盟國古巴視為例行公事。 俄羅斯國防部表示,戈爾什科夫海軍上將號護衛艦和喀山號核動力潛艇在大西洋進行「高精度飛彈武器」訓練後,週三船員在甲板上半潜駛入哈瓦那港。 加拿大瑪格麗特布魯克巡邏船週五早些時候開始進入哈瓦那港,這是加拿大聯合行動司令部所說的“港口訪問……以表示加拿大和古巴之間長期雙邊關係”。 幾個小時前,美國南方司令部表示,快速攻擊潛艇海倫娜號已抵達關塔那摩灣進行例行港口訪問,關塔那摩灣是美國海軍基地,位於哈瓦那東南約 530 英里處的島嶼頂端。

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