英语:西雅图在短短五年内失去了 700 名警察后,将利用非法移民来增强警力

Source: Seattle to use illegal migrants to bolster depleted police force after losing 700 officers in just five years | Daily Mail Online

Seattle has become the latest Dem-run city trying to replace an exodus of police officers with illegal migrants.

Washington’s largest city has just 913 cops to serve its 750,000 people after losing 725 officers in the last five years.

Now its police department has tweaked the rules to allow applications from migrants who crossed the border illegally as children and are registered on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), or ‘Dreamers’, program.

And under a law change signed by Democrat Governor Jay Inslee in February they can be chosen above an equally qualified candidate if they speak more than one language.

More than 500,000 people in the US registered under the Obama-era DACA program before it was rescinded by Donald Trump in 2017.

While they are allowed to work in the US under a renewable two-year work permit, restrictions on carrying firearms had previously barred them from police work.

But in a memo last year the Justice Department stated that ‘DACA recipients can possess duty firearms and possess ammunition as part of their official law enforcement officer duties’.

Seattle Police previously restricted applications to those who ‘hold a United States citizenship, OR have legal permanent residency in the US,’ but updated its LinkedIn page last week.

‘The Seattle Police Department is now accepting applications from DACA recipients,’ it reads.

Overall crime rose eight per cent in the city between 2019 and 2024, with burglaries up 12 percent, assaults up 21 percent, and murders up a frightening 78 percent.

西雅图已成为民主党管理的最新一个试图用非法移民取代大批警察的城市。 华盛顿最大的城市在过去五年中失去了 725 名警察,现在只剩下 913 名警察为其 75 万居民服务。 现在,其警察部门调整了规则,允许儿童时期非法越境并在儿童入境暂缓遣返计划(DACA)或“梦想者”计划中登记的移民提出申请。 根据民主党州长杰伊·英斯利 (Jay Inslee) 在二月份签署的一项法律修正案,如果他们会说一种以上语言,他们就可以比同等资格的候选人更容易被选中。 在 2017 年唐纳德·特朗普废除奥巴马时代的 DACA 计划之前,美国已有超过 50 万人登记。 虽然他们可以通过可续签的两年工作许可证在美国工作,但此前携带枪支的限制禁止他们从事警察工作。 但司法部在去年的一份备忘录中表示,“DACA 受益人可以拥有执勤枪支和弹药,作为执法人员官方职责的一部分”。 西雅图警方此前将申请仅限于“拥有美国公民身份或在美国拥有合法永久居留权”的人,但上周更新了其 LinkedIn 页面。 上面写道:“西雅图警察局现在正在接受 DACA 受益人的申请。” 2019 年至 2024 年间,该市的总体犯罪率上升了 8%,其中入室盗窃案增加了 12%,袭击案增加了 21%,谋杀案增加了惊人的 78%。

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