
Source: Former Gov. Cuomo hits Trump conviction: If he wasn’t running, ‘case would’ve never been brought’ | Fox News

Former Democratic Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo recently told HBO host Bill Maher that if former President Trump wasn’t running for president, he would’ve never been prosecuted in the state for his hush money payments.

The former governor made the statements on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday, agreeing with the host that the New York District Attorney should not have brought that case against Trump, because it reeks of politicization.

“The attorney general’s case in New York frankly should have never been brought,” Cuomo declared on-air, noting that state residents who don’t even like Trump are offended by it because it looks like weaponization of the justice system.

Cuomo’s attack on the case, which resulted in Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records, began by describing how a large swath of New Yorkers don’t view it as a fair case.

“The trials in New York, New Yorkers said – 66% said the justice system is politicized. And there’s nobody in New York who likes Trump,” he said. “And still, 66% said the justice system is politicized. That’s why I think he’s not paying the same price for these verdicts because they believe it is political.”

Cuomo, who resigned as governor following a sexual harassment scandal in 2021, described that the real threat to democracy is these cases undermining peoples’ belief that the justice system is fair.

纽约州前民主党州长安德鲁·科莫 (Andrew Cuomo) 最近告诉 HBO 主持人比尔·马赫 (Bill Maher),如果前总统特朗普没有竞选总统,他永远不会因为支付封口费而在该州受到起诉。 这位前州长周五在 HBO 的《比尔·马赫实时》节目中发表了上述声明,他同意主持人的观点,即纽约地方检察官不应该对特朗普提起诉讼,因为这带有政治化的味道。 科莫在节目中宣称:“坦率地说,纽约总检察长的案件根本不应该立案。”他指出,甚至不喜欢特朗普的州居民也被冒犯了,因为这看起来像是司法系统的武器化。 科莫抨击该案导致特朗普因 34 项伪造商业记录罪被定罪,科莫首先描述了大批纽约人如何认为这是一个不公平的案件。 他说,“纽约人认为,纽约的审判——66%的人说司法系统被政治化。纽约没有人喜欢特朗普。尽管如此,66%的人表示司法系统已经政治化。这就是为什么我认为他没有为这些判决付出同样的代价,因为他们认为这是政治性的。” 科莫在 2021 年性骚扰丑闻后辞去了州长职务,他表示,对民主的真正威胁是这些案件破坏了人们对司法系统公平的信念。

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