

China will see a record-breaking exodus of millionaires in 2024, according to a recent report.

Data from New World Wealth cited in a report by investment migration consultancy firm Henley & Partners projected a 15,200 net outflow of millionaires in 2024, up from last year’s figures of 13,800, amid an uneven post-pandemic economic recovery in China. The report said 2024’s figure was a “new record” for China and that “general wealth growth in the country has been slowing over the past few years, which means that these outflows could be more damaging than usual.”

Other countries hemorrhaging high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) included the U.K., with 9,500, and India, with 4,300.

Andrew Amoils, head of research at South African-headquartered wealth intelligence firm New World Wealth, told Newsweek that the reasons as to why China is experiencing the current exodus range from work, business opportunities and retirement to safety concerns and taxes such as capital gain tax.


投资移民咨询公司 Henley & Partners 的一份报告引用了《新世界财富》的数据,预测在中国疫情后经济复苏不均衡的情况下,2024 年百万富翁净流出人数将达到 15,200 人,高于去年的 13,800 人。报告称,2024 年的数据对中国来说是“新纪录”,并且“过去几年,中国总体财富增长一直在放缓,这意味着这些外流可能比平时更具破坏性。”

其他高净值个人 (HNWI) 大量流失的国家包括英国(9,500 人)和印度(4,300 人)。

总部位于南非的财富情报公司《新世界财富》的研究主管安德鲁·阿莫伊斯 (Andrew Amoils) 告诉《新闻周刊》,中国当前出现外流现象的原因多种多样,包括工作、商业机会、退休、安全考虑以及资本利得税等税收。

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