
Source: EU backs Russian frozen asset plan to aid Ukraine, sparks Hungarian anger | Reuters

European Union governments agreed to use 1.4 billion euros ($1.50 billion) in profits from Russian frozen assets for arms and other aid to Ukraine, prompting Hungary to accuse fellow EU members of a “shameless” rule breach to bypass its objections.
EU members had already decided in May to use profits from the assets frozen in the EU to help Ukraine, with 90% of funds earmarked for military aid. But Hungary has been holding up approval of the necessary legal measures, diplomats say.
Hungary maintains warmer relations with Moscow than any other EU country. It does not give arms to Ukraine and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has criticised other EU and NATO members for doing so, saying they are fueling the war.
At a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday, chief diplomat Josep Borrell said the usual unanimity for foreign policy decisions was not needed as Hungary had opted out of previous decisions underpinning the scheme.
欧盟各国政府同意将俄罗斯冻结资产中的14亿欧元(15亿美元)利润用于向乌克兰提供武器和其他援助,尽管匈牙利指责其他欧盟成员国“无耻”违反规则,绕过匈牙利的反对。 欧盟成员国已于5月份决定利用欧盟冻结资产的利润来帮助乌克兰,其中90%的资金专门用于军事援助。但外交官表示,匈牙利一直在推迟批准必要的法律措施。 匈牙利与莫斯科的关系比任何其他欧盟国家都更加友好。匈牙利不向乌克兰提供武器,匈牙利总理维克托·欧尔班批评其他欧盟和北约成员国这样做,称他们正在助长战争。 周一在卢森堡举行的欧盟外长会议上,首席外交官何塞普·博雷尔表示,外交政策决定不需要通常的一致意见,因为匈牙利已经选择退出之前支持该计划的决定。
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