英语:俄罗斯最致命的战机停在距乌克兰 100 英里的空地上

Source: Russia’s Deadliest Jets Are Parked In The Open 100 Miles From Ukraine

Voronezh Malshevo air base, in southern Russia 100 miles from the border with Ukraine, might be the most important—and most vulnerable—target in Russia.

But it’s seemingly off of Ukraine’s list of targets for now.

From the base, Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bombers belonging to the Russian air force’s 47th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment fly daily sorties lobbing powerful glide bombs at Ukrainian troops and civilians from 25 miles away or farther.

The carnage is staggering. “It takes only minutes for a [Sukhoi] jet to reach the launch area near the border and then return to the base,” Ukrainian analysis group Frontelligence Insight explained. “The large number of jets stationed at the airfield enables the simultaneous deployment of bombs, allowing multiple targets in Ukrainian territory to be engaged at once.”

The regiment’s dozens of Sukhoi Su-34s—possibly representing around half of Russia’s active fleet of the supersonic, twin-engine fighter-bombers—routinely park out out in the open on the tarmac of the recently renovated base.

They’re within range of Ukraine’s best deep strike weapon—its American-made Army Tactical Missile System rockets. “Ukraine could potentially incapacitate the entire operational fleet stationed there if permitted to conduct such a strike,” Frontelligence Insight noted.

But the administration of Pres. Joe Biden hasn’t yet given the Ukrainian government permission to aim the ATACMS at Voronezh Malshevo. And so, for now, the Su-34s at Voronezh Malshevo bomb with near impunity—lobbing a significant percentage of the roughly 100 glide bombs the Russians drop on Ukrainian positions and cities every day, killing soldiers and civilians alike.

沃罗涅日马尔舍沃空军基地位于俄罗斯南部,距离乌克兰边境 100 英里,可能是俄罗斯最重要、也是最脆弱的目标。 但目前它似乎不在乌克兰的目标清单之内。 俄罗斯空军第 47 近卫轰炸机航空团的苏霍伊 苏-34 战斗轰炸机每天都会从该基地起飞,从 25 英里或更远的地方向乌克兰军队和平民投掷威力强大的滑翔炸弹。杀伤力令人震惊。乌克兰分析组织 Frontelligence Insight 解释说:“[苏霍伊]喷气式飞机只需几分钟即可到达边境附近的发射区,然后返回基地。” “机场驻有大量喷气战机,可以同时部署炸弹,从而可以同时攻击乌克兰境内的多个目标。” 该团的数十架苏霍伊 苏-34 可能占俄罗斯现役超音速双引擎战斗轰炸机机队的一半左右,它们经常停放在最近翻修基地的露天停机坪上。 它们处于乌克兰最好的深度打击武器——美国制造的陆军战术导弹系统导弹的射程之内。 Frontelligence Insight 指出:“如果允许进行此类打击,乌克兰可能会导致驻扎在那里的整个作战机队丧失能力。” 但乔·拜登政府尚未允许乌克兰政府将 ATACMS 瞄准沃罗涅日·马尔舍沃。因此,至少目前情况是这样的,沃罗涅日马尔舍沃的 苏-34 轰炸机几乎不受惩罚——俄罗斯每天向乌克兰阵地和城市投掷约 100 枚滑翔炸弹,造成士兵和平民死亡。

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