
Source: Labour Hopeful, Conservatives Morose as UK Voters Deliver Their Verdict in Election | Newsmax.com

British voters are picking a new government Thursday in a parliamentary election that is widely expected to bring the Labour Party to power against a gloomy backdrop of economic malaise, mounting distrust in institutions and a fraying social fabric.

A jaded electorate is delivering its verdict on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party, which has been in power since 2010. Polls opened at 40,000 polling stations in a vast variety of locales including church halls, a laundromat and a crematorium.

Hundreds of communities are locked in tight contests in which traditional party loyalties come second to more immediate concerns about the economy, crumbling infrastructure and the National Health Service.

The Conservatives have acknowledged that Labour appears headed for victory and urged voters not to hand the party a “supermajority.”

英国选民周四将在议会选举中选出新政府,人们普遍预计,在经济萎靡不振、对政府不信任加剧以及社会撕裂的背景下,工党将上台。 疲惫不堪的选民正在对自 2010 年以来一直执政的总理里什·苏纳克保守党做出裁决。投票在教堂大厅、自助洗衣店和火葬场等各种场所的 40,000 个投票站开始。 数百个社区陷入了激烈的竞争,传统的政党忠诚度排在了对经济、摇摇欲坠的基础设施和国家医疗服务体系等更紧迫的担忧之后。 在伦敦以西约 40 英里(65 公里)的泰晤士河畔亨利,退休的帕特里夏·马尔卡希 (Patricia Mulcahy) 等选民感觉到这个国家正在寻求不同的东西。通常投保守党承认工党大概即将获胜,并敦促选民不要让工党获得“绝对多数”。

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