
Source: Third Patriot air defense system from Germany arrives in Ukraine

The third Patriot anti-aircraft missile system from Germany has already arrived in Ukraine, and its Ukrainian crew has successfully completed training in Germany.

German Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Jaeger announced this on social networking X, Ukrinform reports.

“The third Patriot air defense system from Germany has already arrived in Ukraine. It will strengthen the protection of the population and infrastructure of the country from airplanes, drones and missiles. In recent months, the Ukrainian crew of the system has successfully completed appropriate training in Germany,” the diplomat wrote.

As reported, on June 20, it became known about Romania’s decision to transfer an additional Patriot system to Ukraine.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,德国驻乌克兰大使马丁·耶格在社交网络 X 上宣布,德国第三套爱国者防空导弹系统已抵达乌克兰,乌克兰机组人员已在德国顺利完成训练。这位外交官写道,“来自德国的第三套爱国者防空系统已经抵达乌克兰。它将加强对该国人民和基础设施的保护,使其免受战机、无人机和导弹的攻击。近几个月来,该系统的乌克兰机组人员已在德国成功完成了适当的训练。”据报道,6 月 20 日,有消息称,罗马尼亚决定向乌克兰提供一套爱国者系统。

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