英语:特朗普正式获得总统提名,选择 J.D. 万斯为竞选搭档

Source: Trump officially nominated for president, picks J.D. Vance for running mate | Reuters

Donald Trump selected U.S. Senator J.D. Vance on Monday to serve as his vice presidential running mate, as the Republican Party officially nominated the former president as its 2024 presidential nominee at the start of the party’s national convention in Milwaukee.
“As Vice President, J.D. will continue to fight for our Constitution, stand with our Troops, and will do everything he can to help me MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform.
The four-day convention opened in downtown Milwaukee’s Fiserv Forum two days after Trump survived an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania, and hours after he secured a major legal victory when a federal judge dismissed one of Trump’s criminal prosecutions.
Trump is due to formally accept the party’s nomination in a primetime address on Thursday and will challenge Democratic President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 election.
唐纳德·特朗普周一选择美国参议员 J.D. 万斯担任他的副总统竞选伙伴,共和党在密尔沃基举行的共和党全国代表大会开始时正式提名这位前总统为 2024 年总统候选人。 特朗普在他的真相社交平台上写道:“作为副总统,J.D. 将继续为我们的宪法而战,与我们的军队站在一起,并将尽一切努力帮助我让美国再次伟大。” 特朗普在宾夕法尼亚州遭遇暗杀未遂两天后,联邦法官驳回了特朗普的一项刑事起诉,他取得了重大法律胜利几小时后,为期四天的大会在密尔沃基市中心的费瑟夫论坛开幕。 特朗普将于周四在黄金时段发表讲话,正式接受该党提名,并将在 11 月 5 日的选举中挑战民主党总统乔·拜登。
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