英语:捷克将于夏末再向乌克兰运送 10 万发炮弹


Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky has said that 100,000 more rounds of ammunition will be delivered to Ukraine by the end of the summer as part of a Czech-led initiative.

That’s according to Radio Prague International, Ukrinform reports.

“We will send a total of 100,000 more rounds of ammunition during July and August. We are currently looking for money to purchase more ammunition so that the initiative can continue in 2025,” Lipavsky told reporters in Brussels.

He said that 18 countries had joined the Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine and 15 of them had already fulfilled their obligations and paid their contributions. This means that there will be enough money to supply Ukraine with 500,000 rounds of ammunition by the end of the year.

On Monday, July 22, Lipavsky is participating in a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, during which Russia’s war against Ukraine will be discussed.

Earlier reports said that the first batch of ammunition as part of the Czech initiative had already been delivered to Ukraine.

《乌克兰新闻报》援引布拉格国际广播电台报道,捷克外交部长扬·利帕夫斯基表示,作为捷克主导倡议的一部分,将在夏末之前向乌克兰再交付 10 万发弹药。

利帕夫斯基在布鲁塞尔对记者表示,“我们将在7月和8月总共再发送10万发弹药。 我们目前正在寻找资金来购买更多弹药,以便该计划能够在 2025 年继续进行。”

他说,已有18个国家加入捷克为乌克兰采购弹药的倡议,其中15个国家已经履行义务并缴纳捐款。 这意味着到年底将有足够的资金向乌克兰供应50万发弹药。

7 月 22 日星期一,利帕夫斯基将参加在布鲁塞尔举行的欧盟外交事务委员会会议,会议将讨论俄罗斯对乌克兰的战争。


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