
Source: Canada ready to accept children from Okhmatdyt for treatment

The leading Canadian children’s hospital SickKids can accept patients from Ukraine’s Okhmatdyt for treatment.

According to an Ukrinform correspondent, this issue was discussed during a conversation between Ukraine’s Consul General in Toronto Oleh Nikolenko and Head of the Division of Haematology and Oncology at SickKids James Whitlock.

“We discussed in detail the treatment of Ukrainian children at SickKids Hospital and other medical institutions in the province of Ontario, internships of Ukrainian oncologists and efforts to restore the destroyed wing of Okhmatdyt,” Nikolenko wrote on his Facebook page.

According to the consul general, he spoke “about Russia’s missile attack on the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv on July 8, as well as casualties and destruction caused by this Russian terrorist attack.”

“I thank Dr. Whitlock and his team for their willingness to help Ukraine in this difficult time,” the diplomat said.

Nikolenko added in a comment to Ukrinform that SickKids’s management had expressed their willingness to accept children from Okhmatdyt for treatment and would discuss the details with the Ukrainian Health Ministry.

SickKids is the largest children’s hospital in Canada. It is located in Toronto.

《乌克兰通讯社》记者报道,加拿大领先的儿童医院病童医院可以接受来自乌克兰奥赫马特季特的患者接受治疗。 乌克兰驻多伦多总领事奥列·尼科连科 与病童医院血液学和肿瘤科负责人詹姆斯·惠特洛克交谈时讨论了这个问题。 尼科连科在他的脸书页面上写道:“我们详细讨论了乌克兰儿童在病童医院和安大略省其他医疗机构的治疗、乌克兰肿瘤学家的实习以及修复奥赫马特季特被毁的翼楼的努力。” 据总领事介绍,他“谈到了俄罗斯7月8日对基辅奥赫马特儿童医院的导弹袭击,以及这次俄罗斯恐怖袭击造成的人员伤亡和破坏”。 这位外交官说:“我感谢惠特洛克博士和他的团队愿意在这个困难时期帮助乌克兰。” 尼科连科在向《乌克兰通讯社》发表评论时补充道,病童医院 管理层已表示愿意接受来自奥赫马特季特的儿童接受治疗,并将与乌克兰卫生部讨论细节。 病童医院是加拿大最大的儿童医院。它位于多伦多。

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