
Source: Fiala hopes that Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine will be long-lasting one

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, hopes that other countries will join Prague’s initiative on ammunition for Ukraine, and that those already involved will continue to make financial contributions.

The politician said this in an interview with Ukrinform.

“Currently, 15 countries are directly involved in the Czech ammunition initiative, and we believe and do our best to ensure that other countries join and that the current countries continue their support next year,” Fiala said.

He noted that the first artillery shells were delivered to Ukraine in June, and that deliveries will continue at the projected pace in the coming months.

“By the end of the year, the Ukrainian army will have received about 500,000 units of 155 mm ammunition. It is important to note that this is not the end of the assistance,” the politician stressed.

At the same time, he assured that in parallel, Ukraine is supplied with “hundreds of thousands of other large-calibre ammunition every year”.

Fiala reminded that the Czech Republic had launched its ammunition initiative because Ukraine was critically short of ammunition.

As reported, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala presented an initiative to purchase ammunition around the world for EU money with a view to handing it over to Ukraine in January at a meeting of EU heads of state and government. In February, Czech President Petr Pavel publicly announced it on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.

捷克共和国总理彼得·菲亚拉在接受《乌克兰新闻报》采访时表示,希望其他国家加入布拉格为乌克兰提供弹药的倡议,并希望已经参与的国家继续提供财政捐助。菲亚拉说:“目前有15个国家直接参与捷克弹药倡议,我们相信并尽最大努力确保其他国家加入,并确保现有国家明年继续提供支持。” 他指出,第一批炮弹已于 6 月交付给乌克兰,未来几个月将继续按预计速度交付。 这位政治家强调,“到今年年底,乌克兰军队将收到约50万枚155毫米弹药。这并不是援助的结束。”与此同时,他保证,乌克兰“每年有数十万其他大口径弹药”。 菲亚拉提醒说,捷克共和国启动了弹药倡议,因为乌克兰严重缺乏弹药。 据报道,捷克总理彼得·菲亚拉在一月份的欧盟国家元首和政府首脑会议上提出了一项用欧盟资金在世界各地购买弹药移交给乌克兰的倡议。今年二月,捷克总统彼得·帕维尔在慕尼黑安全会议期间公开宣布了这一消息。

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