


Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom pleaded with officials in his state to change their policy regarding criminal chases amid a skyrocketing crime spree, reported The Daily Caller.

Newsom sent a letter to Oakland officials, including the city’s mayor, police department, and city council, imploring them to take a harder line on crime and pursue criminals who are fleeing officers. Newsom highlighted the fact that current policy does not allow this type of chase — suspects can be chased only under a certain set of circumstances.

“Unlike in nearly all other California jurisdictions, local police in Oakland cannot pursue individuals suspected of committing many felonies, any misdemeanor, even if violent, and other offenses that endanger public safety, such as reckless driving, sideshow activity, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol,” Newsom wrote.

In 2023, crime skyrocketed in Oakland from the previous year with motor vehicle theft up 44%, robbery up 38%, and violent crime up 21%.

据《每日来电》报道,民主党加州州长加文·纽森恳求该州官员在犯罪猖獗的情况下改变有关刑事追捕的政策。 纽森致信奥克兰官员,包括市长、警察局和市议会,恳求他们对犯罪采取更强硬的态度,并追捕逃离警察的罪犯。纽森强调,现行政策不允许这种类型的追捕——只有在特定情况下才能追捕嫌疑人。 纽森在信中写道:“与加州几乎所有其他司法管辖区不同,奥克兰当地警察无法追捕涉嫌犯有多项重罪、任何轻罪(即使是暴力)以及其他危害公共安全的个人,例如鲁莽驾驶、杂耍和饮酒或吸毒后驾驶。”2023 年,奥克兰的犯罪率较上一年猛增,其中机动车盗窃增加 44%,抢劫增加 38%,暴力犯罪增加 21%。

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