

The president has proposed overhauling a court that has become increasingly politicized. The effort requires congressional approval, which would be a long shot with a Republican-controlled House and a divided Senate.

President Biden said on Monday he was pushing for legislation that would bring major changes to the Supreme Court, including imposing term limits and creating an enforceable code of ethics on the justices.

In an opinion essay in The Washington Post, Mr. Biden also said that the court’s decision to grant broad immunity to presidents for crimes they commit in office was an example of “dangerous and extreme” decision-making that had put the American people at risk. He added that a number ethical concerns posed a threat to the integrity of the court.

总统提议对日益政治化的法院进行彻底改革。 这项努力需要得到国会的批准,但在共和党控制的众议院和分裂的参议院的情况下,这希望渺茫。


拜登在《华盛顿邮报》发表的一篇评论文章中还表示,法院决定给予总统在任职期间犯下的罪行广泛的豁免权,这是“危险和极端”决策的一个例子,这种决策将美国人民置于危险之中。 。 他补充说,一些道德问题对法院的公正性构成了威胁。

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