英语:排雷后,30 多万公顷农田恢复耕作


Sappers have completed demining of over 310,000 hectares of Ukrainian farmland, allowing for the return of those areas into agricultural use.

This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal during today’s government meeting, Ukrinform reports with reference to his Telegram channel.

“Regarding farmland demining, 310,000 hectares have already been surveyed, demined, and returned to agri use. This is an incredible job, for which we are grateful to our sappers,” he said.

Shmyhal recalled that the government had allocated UAH 3.5 billion for the humanitarian demining project. According to the head of government, 47 mine action operators and more than 2,200 sappers are already involved in the effort.

“There are 109 demining machines available, another 68 have been contracted. Our task is to once again start using all farmland we have as soon as possible,” the head of government said.

Also, the government continues to support land reclamation for the agricultural industry development. This year alone, the government allocated UAH 200 million for the relevant measures.

“We build and restore reclamation systems on an area of up to 8,000 hectares. This helps us increase yields and provides additional investments from the farmers themselves,” he said.

乌克兰通讯社报道,总理丹尼斯·史密哈尔在今天的政府会议上宣布工兵已完成对乌克兰 310,000 多公顷农田的排雷工作,使这些地区可以重新用于农业。

他说,“关于农田排雷,我们已经勘测、排雷并恢复了 310,000 公顷农田的农业用途。这是一项了不起的工作,我们对我们的工兵表示感谢。”

史密哈尔说,政府已为人道主义排雷项目拨款 35 亿乌克兰格里夫纳。政府首脑称,已有 47 名排雷人员和 2,200 多名工兵参与了这项工作。

政府首脑说,“目前有 109 台排雷机可用,另外 68 台已签约。 我们的任务是尽快重新开始使用我们拥有的所有农田。”


他说,“我们在多达 8,000 公顷的土地上修建和恢复复垦系统。这有助于我们提高产量,并为农民带来额外投资。”

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