

About half the U.S. state attorneys general traveled to France in a trip cosponsored by a group mostly funded by companies, including some under scrutiny of the top state lawyers.

Attorneys general are among the most visible officials in state governments and the job can be a launching pad to the world stage. Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, previously held the post in California.

Joining together gives AGs a chance to share concerns, develop bonds and strategies and talk with officials in other countries. The trips can be posh and provide opportunities for company lobbyists to rub elbows with them. Companies that have picked up the bill and sent representatives in recent years have been from the pharmaceutical, auto, financial, online gaming and tech industries, among others.

Organizers said this summer’s trip is “solely focused on commemorating and paying tribute to the achievements and sacrifices of those who fought in Normandy,” even though they are taking place nearly two months after the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion on June 6, which was commemorated by a gathering of world leaders.

The National Association of Attorneys General, known as AGA, a century-old organization that cosponsored the trip to France for attorneys general, would not provide dates for the event, but one AG said it was set for July 29 to Aug. 3.




组织者表示,今年夏天的旅行“完全是为了纪念和致敬诺曼底战斗人员的成就和牺牲”,尽管这次旅行是在 6 月 6 日诺曼底登陆 80 周年纪念日(世界各国领导人齐聚一堂纪念这一天)之后近两个月举行的。

全国总检察长协会(AGA)是一个百年老组织,也是此次总检察长法国之行的共同赞助者。该协会未透露此次活动的具体日期,但一位总检察长表示,活动时间定于 7 月 29 日至 8 月 3 日。

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