
Source: Kyiv’s offensive gets a greenish light from its allies – POLITICO

As Ukraine widens its attacks inside Russia, there is no sign that the country’s sometimes reluctant Western allies are putting pressure on Kyiv to ease off.

That includes Germany, an ally which has often been reluctant to risk provoking Russian leader Vladimir Putin, particularly when it comes to providing Ukrainians with weapons they could use to attack Russia.

But there are no flashing red lights from Berlin over this week’s incursion into Russia.

“Ukraine has the right to self defense enshrined in international law,” Germany’s foreign ministry told POLITICO in a statement. “This is not limited to its own territory.”

Many politicians in Germany’s conservative opposition have provided even more full-throated support for the Ukrainian offensive — and the use of German weapons on Russian territory. Roderich Kiesewetter, a senior lawmaker with the Christian Democrats, told POLITICO it’s totally legitimate to strike “staging areas” inside Russia with weapons donated by Germany.

“The question of whether Western weapons are involved doesn’t come up because, after they are delivered, they are Ukrainian weapons,” said Kiesewetter.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has so far refrained from breaking away from his summer vacation to say anything about the incursion.

随着乌克兰扩大对俄罗斯境内的袭击,没有迹象表明该国有时不情愿的西方盟友正在向基辅施加压力,要求其放松攻势,其中包括德国。这个盟友往往不愿冒激怒俄罗斯领导人弗拉基米尔·普京的风险,特别是在向乌克兰人提供可用来攻击俄罗斯的武器方面。 但柏林并没有对本周入侵俄罗斯亮起红灯。 德国外交部在一份声明中告诉《政治》杂志:“乌克兰拥有国际法规定的自卫权。” “这并不局限于自己的领土。” 德国保守反对派中的许多政客对乌克兰的进攻以及在俄罗斯领土上使用德国武器提供了更加全力的支持。基督教民主党高级议员罗德里希·基瑟韦特告诉《政客》,用德国捐赠的武器袭击俄罗斯境内的“集结地”是完全合法的。 基塞韦特说:“西方武器是否参与其中的问题并没有出现,因为这些武器交付后就是乌克兰的武器。” 德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨到目前为止还没有在暑假期间就此次入侵发表任何言论。

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